Best kicks for average folks

4-5 what? Hours, weeks, months? or are you saying you are level 4-5? If all you have been doing is 'simple' gun defences etc then you aren't experienced at all. Can you do anything on that curriculum for the rank you are claiming then? According to some of the sites on KM, level 3 is an instructor rank.
About KMG |
Krav Maga Education | Level 3 - Award In Krav Maga Instruction

I can do the basics level 4 stuff of knife and gun . Am I good but I know more than most . Every Krav school seems to have large differences
My chances of surviving before Krav would be
I would say I have a 30-40 per shot
I quit Krav only 4 yrs ago but I still practice every week
Krav is very close to karate in many ways with its attacks. It’s like a modern karate without the stupid stances and lame punches but has the same cool hand strikes
Krav is very close to karate in many ways with its attacks. It’s like a modern karate without the stupid stances and lame punches but has the same cool hand strikes

No katas or uniforms !!!

Your ignorance is showing, dear boy.
Style bashing is not allowed on this site, you clearly are parroting something one of your instructors told you when they were selling you their classes.

The more you post the more inclined I am to believe you are an MMA fanboy trolling this site and not here for conversation.
Your ignorance is showing, dear boy.
Style bashing is not allowed on this site, you clearly are parroting something one of your instructors told you when they were selling you their classes.

The more you post the more inclined I am to believe you are an MMA fanboy trolling this site and not here for conversation.

I don’t need to be on this site
Your ignorance is showing, dear boy.
Style bashing is not allowed on this site, you clearly are parroting something one of your instructors told you when they were selling you their classes.

The more you post the more inclined I am to believe you are an MMA fanboy trolling this site and not here for conversation.

MMA is the most superior system by far
Look I don’t need to be on this site as I post on mma sites. This place seems to have maybe 8 folks and they are all stuck in the 70s
Your ignorance is showing, dear boy.
Style bashing is not allowed on this site, you clearly are parroting something one of your instructors told you when they were selling you their classes.

The more you post the more inclined I am to believe you are an MMA fanboy trolling this site and not here for conversation.

I don’t need to be on this site
Your ignorance is showing, dear boy.
Style bashing is not allowed on this site, you clearly are parroting something one of your instructors told you when they were selling you their classes.

The more you post the more inclined I am to believe you are an MMA fanboy trolling this site and not here for conversation.

I don’t need several old men ganging up on me every time I say anything that hurts your feelings
Keep wearing the Pajamas and thinking it’s 1972
I don’t need several old men ganging up on me every time I say anything that hurts your feelings

You've said nothing to hurt my feelings.

You've said plenty to make me think you're actually a bit sad. You have a low opinion of yourself and constantly try to make out everyone is the same as you apart from exceptional athletes.

If you put half as much effort into training as you to talking yourself, various instructors and arts down then you may just find you'll get better.

But with your attitude as it is:

I am about to move on

Seeya - don't let the door hit you in the *** on your way out.
You've said nothing to hurt my feelings.

You've said plenty to make me think you're actually a bit sad. You have a low opinion of yourself and constantly try to make out everyone is the same as you apart from exceptional athletes.

If you put half as much effort into training as you to talking yourself, various instructors and arts down then you may just find you'll get better.

But with your attitude as it is:

Seeya - don't let the door hit you in the *** on your way out.
What exactly do you even train in ??
You have the giant , fat mouth on you
It's fairly well known on here what I train in.

And if I tell you in reply I can guarantee that you'll make woefully incorrect assumptions.

But I can't see what bearing my training has on the persona you present.
I don’t need several old men ganging up on me every time I say anything that hurts your feelings

This woman isn't hurt by anything you say, I'm sorry for your ignorance and your need to insult. You clearly know nothing about karate and I'm beginning to doubt much of what you say is true. It's also obvious you don't actually read what we say.

You don't know half as much as you think you do and that isn't correct anyway. You actually haven't been insulted by anyone of here but you feel the need to lash out when we point out that what you say is incorrect. Feelings don't come into this, at least not ours. It's clear from the way you post that you also post on various MMA sites where slagging off other arts is de rigeur, it's also obvious you don't know as much about MMA ( or other styles even Krav Maga, something my mother was doing in Israel in 1948) as you think you do, yes I do actually know more about MMA and Karate and BJJ than you do, I don't know everything but certainly more than you, a beginner, that's why I'm a senior coach and instructor.
In your first post you claim to be an MOT, so if that's true ( another thing I doubt and if you have to ask what it is you aren't) I absolutely have the right to call you out, so don't even think about getting stroppy with me.

If you put half as much effort into training as you to talking yourself, various instructors and arts down then you may just find you'll get better.

Absolutely this.
This woman isn't hurt by anything you say, I'm sorry for your ignorance and your need to insult. You clearly know nothing about karate and I'm beginning to doubt much of what you say is true. It's also obvious you don't actually read what we say.

You don't know half as much as you think you do and that isn't correct anyway. You actually haven't been insulted by anyone of here but you feel the need to lash out when we point out that what you say is incorrect. Feelings don't come into this, at least not ours. It's clear from the way you post that you also post on various MMA sites where slagging off other arts is de rigeur, it's also obvious you don't know as much about MMA ( or other styles even Krav Maga, something my mother was doing in Israel in 1948) as you think you do, yes I do actually know more about MMA and Karate and BJJ than you do, I don't know everything but certainly more than you, a beginner, that's why I'm a senior coach and instructor.
In your first post you claim to be an MOT, so if that's true ( another thing I doubt and if you have to ask what it is you aren't) I absolutely have the right to call you out, so don't even think about getting stroppy with me.

Absolutely this.

You coach what ??
You never did BJJ
It's fairly well known on here what I train in.

And if I tell you in reply I can guarantee that you'll make woefully incorrect assumptions.

But I can't see what bearing my training has on the persona you present.

just what i figured
Tez does what ??? Nothing


Calm down. You are getting overwrought.

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