Best defense against firearms


Orange Belt
Sep 23, 2021
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I have realised the best strategy against firearm armed attackers
live in an area that has no firearm crime....

I live on a small island in the UK that has had only about 2 firearm based crimes over the past 60 or so years.
One of the crimes was also just a daft kid who took out an pellet shooting air rifle out to scare people, no casualties,
the other crime i believe was a suicide. Which although unpleasant and tragic, didn't put anyone else at risk.

There are guns on this island, as the island is very modern, being an offshore finance industry tax haven,
but people don't use the guns in crime. There are also several gun clubs, which operate safely on the island.

Perhaps one of the reason why people do not use guns in criminal acts on the island, is due to the difficulty for
criminals to escape. As the island is small, 7 miles by 9 milles, with the only way on and off the island either by plane or boat.
I once worked with a man from Alaska and we were talking about guns and gun issues. He said you would think there would be a lot of gun related crimes in Alaska because there are 2 major hobbies in the state; guns and drinking, everybody owns a gun and most people drink, but there were not many gun issues. The only reason he cold come up with was that no one ever gets drunk enough to forget the other guy can shoot back
The best defense is employing situational awareness and not being there, although that is not always possible.

Even though Alaska benefits from being a state that is geographically over four times as large as Texas, with a population density of just over 1 person per square mile, they have the highest firearm death rate per capita of any state in the USA... by a lot.