Best combo for street self defence

I don't dodge question. My answer is direct.

You (general YOU) train

- Guandao so you can cut your opponent's head off.
- Spear so you can poke a hole through your opponent's chest.
- knee stepping so you can destroy your opponent's knee joint.

would you step the knee joint hard (80-100% power) to destroy your sparring partner's knee joint during hard sparring?
I'm not talking about it working or not or how it works; it just sounded like he wanted to destroy the Boxer's knee. I probably read that wrong b/c he doesn't seem to be that kinda person.

But this tech usually annoys TKD's and other heavy kickers more than punchers. I use this often on TKD's that are longer w/good footwork & want to keep distance away from my hands.
would you step the knee joint hard (80-100% power) to destroy your sparring partner's knee joint during hard sparring?
I might if he thought that cranking my neck and not respecting the tap was ok.
I might if he thought that cranking my neck and not respecting the tap was ok.

He won't step onto the striking side vs. you though (unless he's also well trained there); most BJJ'ers don't train striking & vice versa for the strikers.

There are certain B-holes on the BJJ mat that I stay away from also; w/many that can beat me but will do it nicely b/c I was gentle with them when they take my MT class.

IMO, if you go back to that gym, he wouldn't do that again. I think it was just the common, one time showing of one's P size & now that you're impressed, he's going to go normal. If he doesn't, then make a big stink about it.
Up close judo is best, perhaps in a hot topless climate not so good but anyone wearing clothes especially jumpers or coats are going flying and the groundwork for judo is often underrated should your opponent still be functioning after all that,

This is laughable. Wrestling is the best standup grappling, and BJJ is the best in terms of ground fighting. Not to knock Judo, but it's throws are very complex, which can lead to failure which is something you don't want in a SD situation. Meanwhile, Wrestling takedowns are far more simple and intuitive, and Bjj works very well with wrestling to finish your opposition once they're on the ground. Some Bjj methods (like leglocks) aren't even taught in Judo.

There's a reason wrestling and Bjj (not Judo) make up the core of MMA grappling.