Best age to start kid in martial arts


White Belt
I have a son approaching 8 yrs old.

What is a good age to start him. And what do people recommend?

Karate, judo, wrestling (none at his school), boxing, sambo? I like the traditional side of Karate (at least as I remember it from my brief time in youth karate). Also, is ti really do do family classes or allow him to have his own experience?


While kids vary, 8 should be plenty old enough. The child has to want to do it, though, and that desire to train hard may be there at 6.... or not until 16. Be attuned to what the kid wants and seems interested in.

As a parent with 2 daughters in Goju Ryu karate, I am very satisfied..... but I believe a vital component is the specific instructor. Does this person know their stuff? Do the values taught, if any, square with yours? Watch a class or two - and ask questions. It is like picking a lawyer, a surgeon, a tax preparer.... you may be happier with the Aikido dojo.... or the TKD place. There are a variety of fine martial arts out there - and plenty of fakes and frauds. Be a good consumer, as in anything else, and you'll probably do well.

I watch all classes and do some home work outs with them. I think martial arts can be a huge plus for family life.... but, as you note, the kid needs their own time/own experiences/own friend group. There's a time to encourage and do together - and a time to sit way back and read a bok while the kids do their thing with their peers.

Good luck - I can see the benefits to my kids every day.
8 is a great age as long as they would like to do it. Look around your area and find an instructor that you like and go with that.
I have a son approaching 8 yrs old.

What is a good age to start him. And what do people recommend?

Karate, judo, wrestling (none at his school), boxing, sambo? I like the traditional side of Karate (at least as I remember it from my brief time in youth karate). Also, is ti really do do family classes or allow him to have his own experience?



Hi Chris, i always started them at 5 years old, i know some people who starts them at 3,:tantrum: oh and yes, that is what you get,anyway thats my feeling on this.:rolleyes: oh yes see if he likes karate, (kenpo):ultracool
my friends daughter is three and by the time ur four u can go into the tiny tigers class which is for four to five year olds and being the younger sister to a 1st class brown belt and the daughter of a black belt, the father told me that she seems really eager to do it too.

so hes going to put her in it when shes old enough. so i guess any age would be fine as long as the child is interested in it.

for my i didnt start until i was 12 but that was for finacial reasons tho. ive always wanted to do it so i guess i couldve started a lot younger.
I was kidding. I never liked dealing with the tots. I prefer older versions. I will agree that it is something needs to have interest shown. 8 is fine, if interested.

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