Beginning Hung Gar at over 40?

It is all fun no matter what age you start. If you put in alot of time practicing correctly with focus, intent, visualization and paying attention to details, you might reach your goals. Each individual is different in how they progress. Age shouldn't matter unless you have prior injuries to keep you from doing certain movements. The Tiger-Crane form is one of my favorites.

Have you chosen a school yet? How goes training and how is your body handling it?
Hello again,
I forgot to mention the use of dit da jow (liniment) is great for any muscle ailments as well as bruises. It's a great training aid. Most traditional CMA should have it (I assume).
To the best of my knowledge, Dit Da Jow is for external use only. Drinking it can cause sever intestinal problems.

Have you chosen a school yet? How goes training and how is your body handling it?

I've chosen a school but haven't started yet. My mother came up from Jamaica for a visit and has been hospitalized for the second time in three weeks for pneumonia. I've been going there instead of going to class. Next week I'll be going away to attend an annual technology conference so, the only time left is the Saturday after the conference to begin.
Rub it gently on your tongue using a generous amount.
Then let it slide down your throat.
Repeat 15 times or until pain is gone.

Ok Jedi, this is why Darth Maul kicked your butt. I don't drink, so Jack Daniels is a not an option for me. I know your talking to Kid's Warrior but all this talk of booze! Sheesh!

Ok Jedi, this is why Darth Maul kicked your butt. I don't drink, so Jack Daniels is a not an option for me. I know your talking to Kid's Warrior but all this talk of booze! Sheesh!

So that's why I got my butt kicked, lol. I was actually making an attempt at a joke, a bad one I know.
I turned fifty this month and I am more excited about Gung-Fu than I ever was. I have a teacher who is in his 70's and he puts me through my paces. he and his friend,also in his seventies play with each other pretty rough and tumble, and still throw each other around. Every once in awhile when he's making me do my form repeatedly (the only word he knows in English seems to be, "Again!"-I'm gonna shoot the bastid who taught him English) I find myself saying,"I'm gettin too old fer this ****" and then I look at him, and I feel embarrassed.
My SPM Sifu is a few years older than me, and moves like lightning, and HIS Sifu is older still and blazes. My SPM "Uncle" is also in his 70's and strikes like lightning, and his iron palm hurts like hell.
"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and vigour"
I turned fifty this month and I am more excited about Gung-Fu than I ever was. I have a teacher who is in his 70's and he puts me through my paces. he and his friend,also in his seventies play with each other pretty rough and tumble, and still throw each other around. Every once in awhile when he's making me do my form repeatedly (the only word he knows in English seems to be, "Again!"-I'm gonna shoot the bastid who taught him English) I find myself saying,"I'm gettin too old fer this ****" and then I look at him, and I feel embarrassed.
My SPM Sifu is a few years older than me, and moves like lightning, and HIS Sifu is older still and blazes. My SPM "Uncle" is also in his 70's and strikes like lightning, and his iron palm hurts like hell.
"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and vigour"
Disgusting, isn't it? Our only hope is to keep getting better, so at their age we can hope to do what they do. :D
It's funny though. We go to yum-cha and the old man is taking me around introducing me to all his friends (all Martial Artists, I might add) and showing them videos of me, like I'm his son! Every once in awhile, I think, "Doesn't this guy know I'm fifty?" he thinks I'm like 20 or something.
-although he said he wouldn't teach me Tai Sing Pek Kwa (he was a training brother of Chan Sau-Chung under Gen Dak Hoi) 'cuz I'm too old and too big!
Similar to the original poster, I began Hung Ga in my late '30s. Although I wasn't sedentary, I did have a long layoff from regular training (about 4 years).

If I could offer a little advice to my fellow 40+ friend, it would be to get your legs under you and train in your stances everyday. Hung Ga is a traditional Southern style, and is known for its rock-solid sei-ping ma (or Horse stance) as well as other stances that demand strict discipline.

I love Hung Ga because I can see many aspects of my previous training. And as an "adult", I was able to gain a whole new perspective on many of the gung fu basics that I took for granted.

Good luck!
Similar to the original poster, I began Hung Ga in my late '30s. Although I wasn't sedentary, I did have a long layoff from regular training (about 4 years).

If I could offer a little advice to my fellow 40+ friend, it would be to get your legs under you and train in your stances everyday. Hung Ga is a traditional Southern style, and is known for its rock-solid sei-ping ma (or Horse stance) as well as other stances that demand strict discipline.

I love Hung Ga because I can see many aspects of my previous training. And as an "adult", I was able to gain a whole new perspective on many of the gung fu basics that I took for granted.

Good luck!

Thanks for posting. The advice helps.

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