Beer Launching Fridge

Not a sippin' drink, that. Reminds me of a trick drink a friend of mine bought for another friend. I think it had some sort of cream at the bottom with a lighter layer of something else and topped with - what was it? Lime juice? Anyway, the trick was that as long as the top layer and bottom layer didn't mix, it was okay. But once you tipped the drink into your mouth, the cream basically turned to cottage cheese. Nasty. Does anyone know the name of the drink I'm referring to?

Cement Mixer?
Car Bombs!!! someone else has heard of them!!! Fantastic stuff! I'll have you a Car Bomb sparring match any day!

Either speed of drinking them or sparring while drunk on them... both sounds tons of fun.

My current record is 9 seconds. :D
:eek: Why would anyone want to do that to a perfectly good Guinness?!?!:barf:

1. It gets you from point A to point B on an expedited basis (point B being wasted).

2. It's a great conversation and contest drink.

3. It's pretty darn good as long as you're fast enough (finishes like a chocolate milkshake).

This is what happened last time Car Bombs were metioned with me and some friends from my company's New York office when I was there on business:

PLEASE tell me you didn't drink EIGHT car bombs to yourself Amazon!!!!

I'm starting to regret that gaunlet throwing!!! 9 seconds??? Damn!
Mind you, it'd be fun loosing :drinky:
I had a micro brewed ale when I was up in Halifax Nova Scotia..I delarly wish I could remember the name...It drank smooth and easy..He enjoyed ourselves drinking so much we almost forgot that the Grandmaster was due in in a couplr of hours, but THAT's another story...
PLEASE tell me you didn't drink EIGHT car bombs to yourself Amazon!!!!

I'm starting to regret that gaunlet throwing!!! 9 seconds??? Damn!
Mind you, it'd be fun loosing :drinky:

No..... there were at least 2 of us on that stack. :D

So does hitting yourself between the eyes with a ballpeen hammer. :hammer:

Maybe not the immediate effect, but definitely the hangover. Although - if you dring enough water in between Jager bombs and car bombs, you don't really have to worry about that all that much. :cool:
Maybe not the immediate effect, but definitely the hangover. Although - if you dring enough water in between Jager bombs and car bombs, you don't really have to worry about that all that much. :cool:

Oh, dear lord. And I thought tequila was bad news...
I've never thought these tasted quite right (like Dr. Pepper) with anything other than Bud. I'm not a big Bud fan, but the taste seemed off with other beers.

To be honest, I've always been too caught up in not burning my eyebrows off to notice.

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