Been a while

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Hi everyone,, i've been away recovering form my sugery,, but i wanted to share my son who is in kenpo is doing awsome,, he had 2 belts gradings and now gettting another on April 27th,, he'll advanced yellow

Congratulations with your son's gradings. You mentioned that he will advance to yellow on April 27th. Does that mean the first two gradings he got before the upcoming yellow test were for belt tips?

After your recovery, are there plans to join into kenpo with your son?

- Ceicei
Welcome back!! Good to hear your son is still practicing- I hope he keeps with it and goes far. Speedy healing to you too!!

:asian: :karate:

He started with white with a black strip down the center of his belt, then got a white belt with a yellow strip down the center, then 3 weeks ago got a solide yelow, now we got a letter inviting us to ANOTHER belt grading this comming tuesday my will be turning 5 monday, and his new belt i'm told is little more then 1 half white other is yellow.. I'm told is called advanced yellow, she said he's doing excellent knows his forms has even corrected them HaHa... No point keeping in his currant belt he will get board, she said he knows his stuff.
They had asked him over the easter weekend to represent his division in a demo they did at the mall that was fun! He now uses small padded sticks in his currant division, i guess he'll use them even more now.

I still have a bit to go before i can join Karate, Doc says my sugery was masive and i can't just jump in, i still see specialists. My husband is set to joint he next summer course, ( sorta try out type thing) it only 6 weeks long and 25$, after that if he likes it then he can join the fully and get his uniform.

You's all incouraged me to, help me son practice witch he does on his own we watch and correct him,, we bring the camcorder to record new things, so he can refrence them while his practicing.. He does excellent with his Elbow set, and tiger form.

Thanks again...
Norma : :boing2:

Congrats on your recovery and on your sons ranking. It soundsl like he really enjoys it.


I for got to answer you question, my son get tap strips every time he master a form with out help. After 3 forms mastered he's recomended for grading.
This advanced yellow is because he knows his solid yellow forms BUT isn't ready for orange belt,, So this is a in between belt, he will now learn the first 5-6 moves in orage forms. She tol dme he's been grading alot he's very good t it understands and respects what he learns,, She did say now he won't grade as fast obviously once he gets into orange it will get MUCH MUCH harder. She said for a 5 year old he's very good. There's 1 other little boy in my son division who is doing just as well as my son and moving up in belts at the same time as he. He got his tape stricp on his belt last night for a form he does with a stick i'm not sure the name of that one since i missed a few classes recovering. He strikes on each side of the head then in the stomac again on each side of the head and up under the chin i beleive is what he was doing.

I'm so glad we invested in a punching bag for him,, or else my house would be destryed LOL.. He's for ever practicing. :jedi1:


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