Been a while

Have you seen the Ninja, Kagemaru from ‘Samurai Fiction’?
Have not seen that one.

Kage maru was the blue ninja in the original Virtua Fighter arcade game.


It’s one of my favourite Samurai films.
The lack of technique and the sloppiness, poor etiquette. The peacock ego of everyone. Mostly shown when at the Budokan (this was a while ago, so the larger facility if I have that wrong and I think I do ) Watching the other schools in comparasin there and the total disregard for what we were doing, was an eye opener. It made me really sit back and watch and it was pretty embarrassing. Now also with the new Soke, I don't know what to think.
I enjoyed my time. But the aggrandizing became too much. Everyone no matter had some silly opinion. Like, I enjoyed training with Shiraishi and Nagato very much. Then I was told well I wasn't getting the right training, like if the organization sees them as quite talented and people want to argue that was poor training.... there is an issue with the organization

I wanted to train, and train hard. Most of the black belts mostly from NA moved like one of my 8th kyu. Aside from the embarrassment that say a Van Donk brings to the table.