Burning a book to make a point makes as much sense as eating a hamburger to protest meat. I mean, you have to -buy- the book before you burn it, and once it's yours the publisher could care less. They got their money. And, stealing is a sin and you'll goto hell and burn and be poked in the butt by the devil.
People bought Harry Potter. Went on huge rants about how it was demonic, the work of the devil and all that horseswill. Then, they had burning parties, or shreded it or otherwise destroyed copies.
But. They had to buy them first.
Because rem...ember, these are "Good, Pious, Christians". People who "Know" "God".
So they wouldn't just "Steal" them from libraries or book stores right?
Because, Stealing is a Sin. Says so. "Thou Shalt Not Steal".
So, they had to walk in to a store, whip out cash, check or charge, buy it, then take it out and burn it.
For "God".
Now, if I was "God", I'd hope they'd have enough of the brains I gave them to read the thing first and decide if it was good or bad on my own, not just take someone elses word for it, but who am I to speak on behalf of the "Almighty"?
I mean, I don't have a paper that says "Pastor" on my wall.
Of course, if I was a book publisher, or seller, or author, I'd hope that word would get out and everyone would want to burn the book.
I'd giggle all the way to the bank and cash all those royalty checks.
Come to think of it.....isn't that woman who wrote Harry Potter like a gadzillionaire?
Come on people! Burn faster!
She's still short a few quid!

So now some yutz wants to burn some Korans. Why? What's the point, really? To show you're an ignorant idiot? Again, remember, stealing is a sin, and since you're doing this to show you're a "good Christian", you wouldn't steal it, you'l...l go out an buy it.
Buy it.
And push sales of the "enemy's book" up past your own.
Hey, I have a better idea.
Ignore it.
Yeah, ignore it. If you're not going to read it, just ignore it.
Spend your money on buying books you like. Spread them around. Give them away.
The Christian Bible is found in most hotel rooms in the US....it's also one of the most highly stolen books in history.
Says right in there "Don't steal" but people steal the book with the dont steal message.
The irony amuses me.
How about, you live up to the message of the book you revere?
or, am I making too much sense again? I know, I know, keep it up and it'll be time to burn me.
People bought Harry Potter. Went on huge rants about how it was demonic, the work of the devil and all that horseswill. Then, they had burning parties, or shreded it or otherwise destroyed copies.
But. They had to buy them first.
Because rem...ember, these are "Good, Pious, Christians". People who "Know" "God".
So they wouldn't just "Steal" them from libraries or book stores right?
Because, Stealing is a Sin. Says so. "Thou Shalt Not Steal".
So, they had to walk in to a store, whip out cash, check or charge, buy it, then take it out and burn it.
For "God".
Now, if I was "God", I'd hope they'd have enough of the brains I gave them to read the thing first and decide if it was good or bad on my own, not just take someone elses word for it, but who am I to speak on behalf of the "Almighty"?
I mean, I don't have a paper that says "Pastor" on my wall.
Of course, if I was a book publisher, or seller, or author, I'd hope that word would get out and everyone would want to burn the book.
I'd giggle all the way to the bank and cash all those royalty checks.
Come to think of it.....isn't that woman who wrote Harry Potter like a gadzillionaire?
Come on people! Burn faster!
She's still short a few quid!

So now some yutz wants to burn some Korans. Why? What's the point, really? To show you're an ignorant idiot? Again, remember, stealing is a sin, and since you're doing this to show you're a "good Christian", you wouldn't steal it, you'l...l go out an buy it.
Buy it.
And push sales of the "enemy's book" up past your own.
Hey, I have a better idea.
Ignore it.
Yeah, ignore it. If you're not going to read it, just ignore it.
Spend your money on buying books you like. Spread them around. Give them away.
The Christian Bible is found in most hotel rooms in the US....it's also one of the most highly stolen books in history.
Says right in there "Don't steal" but people steal the book with the dont steal message.
The irony amuses me.
How about, you live up to the message of the book you revere?
or, am I making too much sense again? I know, I know, keep it up and it'll be time to burn me.