Battlestar Galactica

Where can they go from here?

I would be interested in seeing where they would go with the characters. The original seemed at times to be little more than "Apollos in trouble on a wild west world", "Oh Starbucks in trouble on a oldtime world", 'Gee SB and AP are in trouble", "Opps, the fleet faces miore cylons than took out the 12 colonies, what can save em now?" Mind you, they were good episodes, but got a bit redundent when looked at as a whole.

This is my problem with the STTOS and STTNG novels...seems every book had Kirk or Picard losing the ship...I stopped reading after a while...

With this new look, we have some interesting directions. The Galactica seems to be the last battlestar. But is it? I don't recall them saying specifically. Is it the only military ship left? Again, left a bit open. Its not a rag-tag fleet anymore. These ships all have FTL drive, where as in the original, only the Galactica had it.

They cylons are interesting too. Not just 'machines', these feel, so it gets more interesting. #6 is both responsible for the destruction, yet also is helping Baltar. Why? Is it love? a Game? something else? What about the sleeper? Is she "Imperious Leader"? Note, she spoke, and the others did the 'by your command bit". So, is IL onboard Galactica too?

What is the "Red Line"? Known space? Is beyond it the unexplored area? Who will they find? Kobol? The Pegasas? More survivors? Lost exploration expositions?

They lost the agro ship, and many others due to lack of FTL. How will they find food? Ammo will be a challenge too, as they are shooting 'bullets', not 'lasers'. Will alien ammo be compatable? Can they make their own? Will they develop energy weapons, say Ion Cannons to scramble Cylon brains?

Will they build new Mark 7 vipers, or older Mark 5s?

There are lots of questions here.
Watched it and couldn't get into it at any point of the story......had 2 switch to 24 anyway:D
I think that I felt more like I was watching "The Day After" in space than Battlestar Galactica.

The whole thing had less of a Sci-fi action feel and more of a "Post Holocost" drama.
Originally posted by Tapps
The old cylon robots were scarier !

I get the infiltration thing but there was something terrifying about the inhuman factor.

Hey Tapps, I think your avatar could us some work. That's a some scary pic there!:eek:
I taped the second part and watched it.

Better than the first part.

I think if I had not seen a preview interview where the actors had all hyped up the Cylons and how scarry they were and all the effects that would just wow you.

On the whole I see it in a much better light and ready for a series.
I think an important difference between this and the original is that the cylons are actually effective, even menacing. In the original series, we're told they destroyed Caprica, but throughout the entire run, we're presented with ineffective, cartoonishly evil villians who can barely fly their ships and who can be taken out with a laster blast or two from Starbuck or Apollo.

In the Sci-Fi channel version, the cylons are relentless. You can see the firepower they have and feel the desperation of the humans as they try to escape from the devesation of Caprica and then those two basestars in the second half.

You also gotta love the fact that this Galactica actually HAS firepower.
I for one, REALLY liked the remake.
I think that Ron Moore is a good writer, and was one of bright spots of the Ailing Star Trek Franchise while he was there.

I dunno...

I was ready to forgive them for making Boomer a Woman, cuz she was HOT untill they went and made the char a Cylon as well. WTF?
Hey, there are pluses to her being a cylon....
(and I'm gonna shut up right there as I don't want to have to suspend myself.....) :D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Hey, there are pluses to her being a cylon....
(and I'm gonna shut up right there as I don't want to have to suspend myself.....) :D


I will here by give you and myself a warning ;)

The remake was well done and featured some really solid acting as well as superb visual effects. I would welcome a series based on it.
Originally posted by Sharp Phil
The remake was well done and featured some really solid acting as well as superb visual effects. I would welcome a series based on it.

Phil, I agree, yet if I had not seen all the hype, I might have felt this way at the beginning. Yet, a serious would not be bad, then I might be able to seem some of the Cyclon action that was so hyped ;)
Battlestar Galactica (TV): reports that e decision to pick up the new Galactica as a series has been delayed until early 2004 by Sci-Fi who've extended the stars contract options. The hold-up is the series would be the most expensive show in the channel's line-up.