Battlestar Galactica


Yellow Belt
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
So who going to watch the new Battlestar Galactica miniseries on the scifi channel tomorrow? I never watched the first one so I think its going to be good. But my brother dosent like the changes. What are your thoughts?
Additional info:

See this thread.

Sci-Fi chanel is engaging in massive censorship on their forums. Fans voicing dislike with their new direction are being silenced.

The BSG Fan Forums has a ton of info and commentary:

Colonial Fleets Forums is even more anti-Ron Moore.

Heres some of the crap going on:
SciFi lies about the new series

Starbucks a is Boomer.

The uniforms are all 'different' with little hinting to the old.

The plot and 'universe' are substantially changed. has the latest newsletter.

Me personally.... All I want is 5 minutes alone with Ron Moore, and 1 pencil.

I dont ask for much.

To quote from Planet of the Apes "Damn them all to Hell."
Aww, I loved Battlestar Galactica when it was on. Why do they have to mess with good things. If it's that different, I won't watch it.

"Battlestar Charlies Angels"

Lets Examine:

Starbuck: Was a man, now a WOMAN

Boomer: Was a man, Now a WOMAN

President of the Council: Was a man, Now a WOMAN

Cylon: Was a Robot, now a WOMAN

And if my interpretation of the shots from the commercial are true,

Boxy, Was a Boy, now a Girl

I mean come on, I have nothing against a change here and there, and even wouldnt have complained about Starbuck being a woman, but that much of the cast?

I mean Whats next? Star Wars with Luke, Vader, Chewie, and C3P0 as women???
Now not all Cylon's are women just the one you see in the preview.
Yes yes I can see it all now... forming in my 'ead

"Once Upon a Time There were Three Little Colonial Warriors who flew on the Galactica. And they were Each Assigned the most hazardous of Duties. But now they work for me. My name Is Adama."
I watched.

I wasn't impressed.

Yes, the effects are nice...but it lacks a 'soul'. The characters all seem 2 dimentional, and forced.

The 'old' cylon, pyramid cards, diagrams, etc were all cute, but all felt like tokens. And, I have to ask, just WTF was up with the bloody StarFleet like medal worn by 'Adama' during th ephoro shoot scene?

Sigh...hope day 2 is better.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I watched.

I wasn't impressed.

Yes, the effects are nice...but it lacks a 'soul'. The characters all seem 2 dimentional, and forced.

The 'old' cylon, pyramid cards, diagrams, etc were all cute, but all felt like tokens. And, I have to ask, just WTF was up with the bloody StarFleet like medal worn by 'Adama' during th ephoro shoot scene?

Sigh...hope day 2 is better.

I am disapointed as well.

If they took the same story and added a few more combat scenes in its' own universe or Earth's Distant Future then it would have been just maybe a Good 'B' Sci-fi Flick.

I know some will say that the original series was camping and a B flick in itself. Yet it did not need my suggestions to get there ;)

And, I still do not believe 6 of 12 is a cylon.
(* Drum Roll Please *)
She has acted no different then any other women I have known. :eek: ;)

I could not resist :rofl:

(* Ducking for the incoming volley *)
Reviews on the Galactica boards are overwhelmingly negative.

Me, I'm gonna crash for the night while my VCR tapes a history chanel thingy on the Samurai. Hey, it can't be any worse than this tripe, right?

(Hmm...maybe we remake the Samurai into guys who wore simple togas, and swung sticks....yeah.....and instead of being Japanese, they were, hmm...Jamacian...yeah mon.... more ganja...maybe this BSG will look good stoned? Nah.)

TRIP! You hit that one on the #12 strike, Bob! :)

Thank GOD the original series is still alive and well in syndication!


Just my .02

I really liked it. The old series, aside from the original Starbuck character, was stupid, even back then. This is far superior. One thing they especially got right was the feeling of desperation and disaster that I think was definitely missing from the original. The feeling of claustrophobia and being trapped in a chaotic situation are good as well.

I just can't get into the deep nostalgia that others feel for the original, and I'm a big fan of science fiction in all it's forms. I'm certainly not going to claim it's A-list material, but it puts the original to shame.
I liked also. Of course I never saw the original so I didnt mind the character changes that so many others didnt care for.
Like I Said, if the exact smae show was billed with a different name, it might be a littel bit better. Yet, I saw some of the previews and interviews and they talked up the cylons and the special effects and it was not there, to match the hype.


The Cylons had rose up and faught against their creators. (* This is all they felt was needed for a story *) It was over a perod of time they were losing and the last Battle Star built the Galactica was their home to escape.


The Cylons left and came back in force and only the old Battle Star Galactica ready for moth balls survives, because of its' lack of modern technology. They Humans and Cylons faught an war 40 years ago. Now they are back for their revenge.

My Take on the mini series if I wrote it.

Movie/Night One: They Lead up to the first clashes and the break out of the war. With the Humans winning a turning battle. Builds Hope for teh Humans to conquer the rebel cylons.

Movie/Night Two: The combat turns for the worse for the Humans and they start to lose real bad. Plans are made to scrape together medical and educational and military to find the lost 13th colony. This lead by the Galactica, old or new ship I could see either as godo story lines.

Movie/Night Three: Running Battles of the chase and search for the lost colony. Good senseless violoence.

Movie/Night Four: 13th Colony is found and the hope is built. except teh landing party is killed by over zealous military types ;)

Movie/Night Five: Cylons win and enslave all humans.

I know it is predictable :D

Now another comment.

What if I said there was to be another 'Enter the Dragon', and there is lots of hype and everyone talks about it, and it not what you were lead to believe it to be from the ads. Most sci-fi fans would go 'Enter the What?' and go see it and say it was ok or good. True 70's Martial Arts Genre Fans would cry at the re-creation.

I wish I had not seen the previews of them talking up the cylons et al.

For those who liked it, tell us why? so we can get a look into it from a different point of view.
All I care about are the bad guys, Cylons! If they aren't good, it aint worth watching.:mad:
I want to know where this garbage about human's creating the cylons came from. In the original story, the cylcons came from another race of lizard type people. The "robots" were built to encase their brains and they had something like a collective consciousness.
See my posts on and the Toronto Trek forum. Its not as bad as I thought, and has some interesting twists in it.

Definately got the 'pilot episode' issues though. In all fairness, I remember watching the pilot for B5 and thinking 'what crap is this?'..and now, I'm a serious fan.
The old cylon robots were scarier !

I get the infiltration thing but there was something terrifying about the inhuman factor.