Bartending Anyone?

Well, last night was my second night of training.


I am not comfortable working by myself and closing by myself after last night. If I had someone working with me til close that would be fine. But, there is no bouncer, nothing, it would just be me. And last night there were almost 2 fights, and a couple of very rude and vulgar customers. I expect rudeness and vulgarity from drunk men in a bar, and it takes ALOT to offend me. However, I don't appreciate being grabbbed on the way to the bathroom, or repeatedly asked "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours." and "I've got a big 12 inch for ya". etc, etc. every time you serve them a drink, or hollering across the bar for your attention only to ask to "see yours".

The bartender I was training with said that it was a very weird night. I don't care if it's out of the ordinary. The rare time there's a night like that, I don't want to be alone in it. Another regular actually broke up the *almost* fights. Don't know what would have happened if he hadn't been there that night. And she said the the one particularly offensive regular she absolutely hates, but didn't know where he stood with the owner, and you don't want to piss anyone off who is close to the owner. Said he's a ****** tipper on top of it. Eventually the guy left and the owner stopped in later, when asked, he said kick the ******* out next time. Now, that is fine if you have back up. But when you're the only one there, and on the small side, that may not be so easy, nor am I comfortable doing it. Nor am I comfortable trying to kick a bunch of large drunk men, who don't want to leave, out at closing time.

The gal I was training with has been bartending for 14 years. She said this is the only place she's ever been who has the woman close all alone and she cautioned me heavily on safety and walking to my car, and checking out the window before putting the trash out, and not going to the outside cooler to restock beer. (There is no inside beer cooler)

Like I said, if I had someone else with me, I would be fine. I might get irritated with a few select people, but I wouldn't fear for my safety being the only person there til 1am.

However, I must say, after only 2 nights of training, where I'm not even at full earning potential, the money kicks ***. I can see how easy it is to stay in the job, and I actually enjoy it quite fine aside from the safety concerns of being there alone.

Anyway, I am going to ask the manager if there's still a day spot open. My husband said he will sit at the bar while I work, but he has to get up early in the morning, and I feel it's better to have another person behind the bar rather than depend on someone who has *no authority* so to speak, in asking folks to leave or holler last call.

One thing I noticed, my *awareness* needs to greatly improve, so that was a training opportunity.

Well folks, there's my update. :)

And now you know why I confused Shot as a drink with Shot as in my fist up side someoneÂ’s head.

This is training and if you like bar tending there are other bars that may be less of a problem on all fronts. There are some very nice restaurants that have rather large bars in my area and where I use to live.

I do not blame you for the security concerns however, now you have made me nervous, I never had to deal with an outside beer cooler but fights are part of many a bars culture. But at the one bar I worked at I was roughly the same size as the bouncer and at the time I looked like the average Hells Angel you never wanted to see in the first place, but drunks don't care about any of that.

However the second one I worked at here in NY there was no bouncer but I was not there that long to care. And so ended my illustrious career as a bartender, accept of course for the oft house party (catered) or occasional wedding, but I don't do those anymore.
I really don't mind it, in fact I LIKE it. What I don't like is having the responsibility of *crowd control* on top of having to serve. I'm too small for that and even when I shout, my voice just doesn't carry. Just give me a bouncer or fellow bartender, male OR female. Just don't leave me there alone! lol

Fights, yeah, they happen. As long as MY safety isn't jeapordized. The bartender I was training with last night told me a few years ago one of the male bartenders was working when a fight broke out. Aparently a bar stool got thrown behind the counter shattering the bottles of alcohol and badly cutting the bartender, who needed "hundreds",of stitches in his side.

This is an old neighborhood bar with lots of regulars and a generally good crowd. And I have been there before on several occasions before I applied. But it's not MY neighborhood bar. That one is trying to work me in somewhere but are already well staffed. They have a bouncer AND a male bartender on duty with 2 female bartenders and a waitress at all times. I have NEVER heard any customer treat any of the female staff in a derogatory way, nor has anything remotely close to a fight occurred. And I am there often enough to know, and I'm friends with the staff well enough to know if it were otherwise.

Anyway, if I could get a day shift where I'm at now, that would make a good opportunity perfect.
Pam, It's good to know that I had nothing to worry about
. I think I'll still worry anyway thank you, lol.
I really don't mind it, in fact I LIKE it. What I don't like is having the responsibility of *crowd control* on top of having to serve. I'm too small for that and even when I shout, my voice just doesn't carry. Just give me a bouncer or fellow bartender, male OR female. Just don't leave me there alone! lol

Fights, yeah, they happen. As long as MY safety isn't jeapordized. The bartender I was training with last night told me a few years ago one of the male bartenders was working when a fight broke out. Aparently a bar stool got thrown behind the counter shattering the bottles of alcohol and badly cutting the bartender, who needed "hundreds",of stitches in his side.

This is an old neighborhood bar with lots of regulars and a generally good crowd. And I have been there before on several occasions before I applied. But it's not MY neighborhood bar. That one is trying to work me in somewhere but are already well staffed. They have a bouncer AND a male bartender on duty with 2 female bartenders and a waitress at all times. I have NEVER heard any customer treat any of the female staff in a derogatory way, nor has anything remotely close to a fight occurred. And I am there often enough to know, and I'm friends with the staff well enough to know if it were otherwise.

Anyway, if I could get a day shift where I'm at now, that would make a good opportunity perfect.

OK then I will worry less.

But don't forget... as far as I am concerned they are all trees, just say the word :)
Sounds like some of those guys would benefit from an intensive session of percussive enlightenment.

I called the manager this afternoon to talk about my concerns. She said the girl I trained with last night called her this morning and told her what an awful night it was and that she felt bad for me because she had no time to spend with me and I was kind of fed to the wolves. She said she would be happy to trade shifts with the Monday night person and train with me again as Monday's are typically very laid back, much like my Sunday nights will be.

The manager said she would never bother training someone for something she thought they couldn't handle. Said Sunday nights are very quiet and laid back because it's back to work on Monday, and that she would be surprised if I even had 4 people left in the bar at closing. She also said that while you make good tips when you're busy, you don't really have time to talk to anyone. So get a ton of $2 tips, etc. But when it's slow you can spend time talking with people and wind up with like a $10 tip from one person. So it all kind of balances out. I know this to be true from my own experience as a neighborhood bar patron.

In anycase, the manager said she will not abandon me and if after a few weeks I am still very uncomfortable closing on my own she will try to move things around for me.

So. I feel much better. :D

Thanks for your support and letting me vent. :asian:
That's really good to hear - especially the part where the woman training you realized all of the problems with that shift and took the time to call about it.
It is indeed a reassuring development that the management and staff are aware of the problems :tup:.

It's still strange that the establishment only has one person 'on' of a night tho'. I presume it's economics in action i.e. the books wont support more?
WOW...I have never worked for a place where a lone female was in charge of closing by herself..Learn the basics of bartending and then look for a job at a lounge inside a hotel like a Holiday Inn , Ramada or Embassy Suites..
WOW...I have never worked for a place where a lone female was in charge of closing by herself..Learn the basics of bartending and then look for a job at a lounge inside a hotel like a Holiday Inn , Ramada or Embassy Suites..

For safety reasons I am with Drac on this. To much of a concern for me being the only person at closing. I probably would not work there myself just for that reason. There are so many bars that will be better staffed that if you feel the need to look around.
ANother option once you're comfortable behind the bar is to look at the clubs that offer "exotic dancers"..These bartenders are just there to pour drinks and NOT to remove their clothes, and they make good tips.The girls in my club made a killing, almost $100 a night,.My step-daughter did this for awhile and had no problems, plus there is ALWAYS security around...
WOW...I have never worked for a place where a lone female was in charge of closing by herself..Learn the basics of bartending and then look for a job at a lounge inside a hotel like a Holiday Inn , Ramada or Embassy Suites..

Brian R. VanCise said:
For safety reasons I am with Drac on this. To much of a concern for me being the only person at closing. I probably would not work there myself just for that reason. There are so many bars that will be better staffed that if you feel the need to look around.

Yeah, it is strange. Everyone I talked to said the same. I will definitely be keeping my options open. Thanks. :)

Drac said:
ANother option once you're comfortable behind the bar is to look at the clubs that offer "exotic dancers"..These bartenders are just there to pour drinks and NOT to remove their clothes, and they make good tips.The girls in my club made a killing, almost $100 a night,.My step-daughter did this for awhile and had no problems, plus there is ALWAYS security around...

That's something to consider as well. I thought about it but wasn't sure how the money was if you weren't dancing. I know security is top notch though. Good to hear the money is still good. :)
That's something to consider as well. I thought about it but wasn't sure how the money was if you weren't dancing. I know security is top notch though. Good to hear the money is still good. :)

Attractive girls that tend bar ALWAYS seem to pull in a good buck tip wise..At one club the bartenders use to pool their tips so EVERYONE went home with something, it was a pretty good system...