

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I have a book that refers several times to the bart-mei system of kung fu. Is this the same as the bak-mei white eyebrow system?

(The book is G. Mattson's 1974 Uechi-ryu text. The 5 techniques it demonstrates from this system are in essence arm-locks.)
Originally posted by arnisador

I have a book that refers several times to the bart-mei system of kung fu. Is this the same as the bak-mei white eyebrow system?

(The book is G. Mattson's 1974 Uechi-ryu text. The 5 techniques it demonstrates from this system are in essence arm-locks.)
From my understanding there is in the Wing Chung System the form called Bart Chum Do or Eight Cutting Boardswords! This technique is the first in some styles and most complex in Ving Tsun Kung Fu of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association. So, Bart Mei Kung Fu seems to be referring to the most advanced form, application, and practice within the Wing Chung Kung Fu System! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!

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