Clark Kent
<B>News Bot</B>
10-28-2008 07:53 PM
Bob took issue with Sen. John McCain’s “we are all Georgians” comment when speaking to Paul Mulshine at
The McCain foreign policy would further isolate the United States from the world, just like the Bush foreign policy of the last eight years. The only way you’re going to have a reasonable foreign policy and to end the war in Iraq is to vote for Bob Barr.
Bob took issue with Sen. John McCain’s “we are all Georgians” comment when speaking to Paul Mulshine at
Last week when I spoke to Barr, he cited John McCain’s “Today, we are all Georgians” remark at the time of the fighting between Georgia and Russia over South Ossestia
“What absolute, utter, simplistic nonsense,” said Barr. “I doubt that one in 10,000 Americans could find Georgia on a map. This is sort of stuff that gets us into trouble.”
Indeed it is. And the few Americans who could find Georgia - and I don’t mean the state where Barr lives - would no doubt realize that it has no legitimate claim on South Ossetia, at least not if one believes in democracy. McCain pretends to do so. Yet for some reason he took the side of the Georgian government when it used tanks to thwart the democratic desire of the South Ossetians to secede.
Meanwhile Sarah Palin has said that “perhaps” we could get into a war with Russia over Georgia if we accepted that nation into NATO.
So it is now the official foreign policy of the Republican Party that it makes sense to risk war with Russia to thwart democracy. Such is the nuttiness of the “neo” conservative era. In the effort to spread democracy, the neocons have ended up supporting a government that violently puts down a democratic movement.
And if you know your recent history, you know that Georgia itself seceded from the Soviet Union in the not-too-distant past. So it’s particularly hypocritical for the Georgians to violently suppress a secessionist movement.
Georgia isn’t a bastion of freedom and democracy as McCain and company would have us believe.“What absolute, utter, simplistic nonsense,” said Barr. “I doubt that one in 10,000 Americans could find Georgia on a map. This is sort of stuff that gets us into trouble.”
Indeed it is. And the few Americans who could find Georgia - and I don’t mean the state where Barr lives - would no doubt realize that it has no legitimate claim on South Ossetia, at least not if one believes in democracy. McCain pretends to do so. Yet for some reason he took the side of the Georgian government when it used tanks to thwart the democratic desire of the South Ossetians to secede.
Meanwhile Sarah Palin has said that “perhaps” we could get into a war with Russia over Georgia if we accepted that nation into NATO.
So it is now the official foreign policy of the Republican Party that it makes sense to risk war with Russia to thwart democracy. Such is the nuttiness of the “neo” conservative era. In the effort to spread democracy, the neocons have ended up supporting a government that violently puts down a democratic movement.
And if you know your recent history, you know that Georgia itself seceded from the Soviet Union in the not-too-distant past. So it’s particularly hypocritical for the Georgians to violently suppress a secessionist movement.
The McCain foreign policy would further isolate the United States from the world, just like the Bush foreign policy of the last eight years. The only way you’re going to have a reasonable foreign policy and to end the war in Iraq is to vote for Bob Barr.