Bar & Grill Combined Quizzes

"What element are you? *with pics*" - Results:

Earth You care for the animals plants and for the humans. You give birth to the life and you berry the death. You do everything. If it weren't for you fire wouldn't be made water wouldn't be and so on . . .
Water - You are smooth, everyone likes you. The way you move, the way you look. People most like you by the beach though I know I do. You flow with everyone else sometimes you can get up tight but you are a clam most of the time and you will be here for a long time.

Water is nice unless there's too much of it ;)
I'm Gambit.

Sweet though I wanted to be wolverine.


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Water You are smooth everyone likes you. They way you move the way you look. People most like you by the beach though I know I do. You flow with everyone else sometimes you can get up tight but you are clam most of the time and you will be here for a long time

I hate retaining water...sigh hot. ;)


Fire You are hot tempered. You don't have control over yourself. If someone told you something that you didn't like you would just exploded in their face. Fire can be good cause you are very hot. Most people would rather be hot then cold so its all good.
Originally posted by Chronuss hot. ;)

Fire You are hot tempered. You don't have control over yourself. If someone told you something that you didn't like you would just exploded in their face. Fire can be good cause you are very hot. Most people would rather be hot then cold so its all good.

*whistling off key*
You are Storm! You are very strong and very protective of those you love. You are in tune with nature and are very concerned with justice and humanity. Unfortunately, certain apprehensions and fears are very hard for you to overcome, and can often inhibit you when most need to be strong.

Apparnatly being a guy isn't taken into consideration.
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Besides I think I resemble Yoda much more than Kenshin.. *rolls owls* it's your turn to come back to reality...:rofl: