Banned X-box 360 ad....


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Dunno why they want to ban this one... well, okay I can SEE one reason but hey... it's funny. Something I'm sure we ALL would like to play sometime or another... in a public place... would be fun.

Hee hee

(fair warning... there are umm, suggestive ads around the video... but it's downloadable...)
Banned, for encouraging gun violence I guess. Thats funny, those are the best games out there! I play True Combat:Elite, a mod for Castle Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (both are free, hence game = free!), its the greatest game out there, all FPS! But it doesnt make me go out and shoot up a McD's! I feel I am no more violent today than I was before I started playing FPS games (I played Return to Castle Wolfenstein for about 5 years).

Just my .02..
If shoot e'm up video games turn you into a psycho killer, all of mine must be faulty.

Awesome ad. I love the guy at the end on the mobile phone.
lol thats bad its banned :( and yeah the cell phone guy is great
Adept said:
If shoot e'm up video games turn you into a psycho killer, all of mine must be faulty.
Makes ya feel like you want your money back now, dont it? HAHA

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