Banned In Korea?

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master dave

recently on my discussion board located at the question arouse regarding a petition filed to keep tsd founder hwang kee from joining the amature athletic association. a sport body. now i uncover that hwang kee joined the chung do kwan as a white belt and trained for 6 months? this leads one to believe that hwang kee was part of the tkd movement if this information is correct. whats wrong with this? nothing. but its history that we in tsd were never taught which i feel may have caused some bad blood between tsd and tkd.

ive also uncovered that tsd founder hwang kee was appointed secretary general of the korea tae kwon do association. whats wrong with this? i say nothing at all. but again we in tsd were never informed if this happened. the only history ive been taught and mind you im an independent sabom nim with my own organization and a 6th dan in 37 years that ive been training in tsd this is the history that was taught to me...hwang kee faught the tkd movement in korea, never would he allow his art to become or turned into a sport! he stood his ground while even his own high ranking masters stabbed him in the back and left his moo duk kwan and joined the tkd movement. hwang kee vowed to keep his art a pure martial art.

im sorry but i feel this is what has caused some bad blood between us!

now that i have posted this on my discussion board my tsd brothers are not replying. is this true history of the kwans?
feel free to discuss this here im not saying whos right or who is wrong! i welcome you to visit and reply on my discussion board as well.......its awfull quiet in there now? hum?
this is your history and mine....i only seek the truth. i will allways be part of tang soo do but to understand the history is me anyway!
thank you
You've only got a partial history of the kwans and of the unification of Korean martial arts, but what you know sums it up more or less: a whole lot of political infighting and backstabbing.

Take a look at our threads in this forum on General Choi to get a little more of the picture.

As for the Chung Do Kwan, it was really the starting point for TKD and TSD as we know them today. Every TKD/TSD practitioner who founded their own kwan originally had some affiliation with a man named Won Kuk Lee, the founder of the Chung Do Kwan. From there, the history just gets messy, especially because no one group/style seems to agree on just what happened and who was in charge of what.

Personally, I just write it off modern TKD history as a mess created by a bunch of cranky, stubborn old guys (even if they were fantastic martial artists). It's the sort of argument that's really better settled in a ring than with words.

The most impartial version I've seen yet is the one I found at Korean Martial Arts Resource
Originally posted by master dave
recently on my discussion board located at the question arouse regarding a petition filed to keep tsd founder hwang kee from joining the amature athletic association. a sport body. now i uncover that hwang kee joined the chung do kwan as a white belt and trained for 6 months? this leads one to believe that hwang kee was part of the tkd movement if this information is correct. whats wrong with this? nothing. but its history that we in tsd were never taught which i feel may have caused some bad blood between tsd and tkd.

ive also uncovered that tsd founder hwang kee was appointed secretary general of the korea tae kwon do association. whats wrong with this? i say nothing at all. but again we in tsd were never informed if this happened. the only history ive been taught and mind you im an independent sabom nim with my own organization and a 6th dan in 37 years that ive been training in tsd this is the history that was taught to me...hwang kee faught the tkd movement in korea, never would he allow his art to become or turned into a sport! he stood his ground while even his own high ranking masters stabbed him in the back and left his moo duk kwan and joined the tkd movement. hwang kee vowed to keep his art a pure martial art.

im sorry but i feel this is what has caused some bad blood between us!

now that i have posted this on my discussion board my tsd brothers are not replying. is this true history of the kwans?
feel free to discuss this here im not saying whos right or who is wrong! i welcome you to visit and reply on my discussion board as well.......its awfull quiet in there now? hum?
this is your history and mine....i only seek the truth. i will allways be part of tang soo do but to understand the history is me anyway!
thank you


Do you know a Master Will Bennett fromt eh Flint Mi. Area?

Just curious.

im not from the flint area but the name rings a does yours for that matter! cant think at the moment brain freez lol...but your name sounds familiar are you from mi? detroit area? sure rings a bell.
Originally posted by master dave
im not from the flint area but the name rings a does yours for that matter! cant think at the moment brain freez lol...but your name sounds familiar are you from mi? detroit area? sure rings a bell.

I am from the Flint Area yes, and I have trained in Modern Arnis and Balintawak. No training in TSD or TKD. I have friends in both though.

You could be thinking of the Richard Parsons who recently became the CEO of AOL. He is not me :D

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