Bando training

Victor Smith

Blue Belt
Dec 22, 2006
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
Great Bando video's by Bob Maxwell.

Bando Elbow Training

Bando Basic Combat Stick Training
Bando hand 2 hand
Bando Kukru Field Training
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Some great training and videos there. The last one in the list, the kukri training... That's a rare chance to see how Dr. Gyi taught and drilled people during the 80s.
Very interesting videos. I practice Boar Bando myself. It a lot of fun and very effective.
How does one select an animal style out of the 12? I'm assuming that not all 12 animal styles are offered in each of the 50 states?
How does one select an animal style out of the 12? I'm assuming that not all 12 animal styles are offered in each of the 50 states?

In the US, only 9 Animals are currently taught within the American Bando Association. (Boar, Bull, Tiger, Panther, Viper, Cobra, Python, Eagle, and Scorpion.) Animal System instruction generally begins at the black belt level, though students at any level may learn pieces or elements, especially if their instructor is working intensively within one of them. Selection is a balance of personality and body type, with the personality being the bigger component. Of course, it also helps if you live or can travel reasonably to where someone who can teach that System lives...
Is it a fairly 'closed door' system in the US? There aren't exactly a lot of texts on the art or training places close by. Heck, I can find more Krav Maga around...wish Bando was just a wee bit more accesible..
It's not a closed door system; it's simply not taught as a commercial vehicle, which means you've kind of got to look around for it. Check out the American Bando Association website; they've got a fairly current list of schools there. Of course, there may be a few people around who aren't listed for various reasons (like drifted away from the organization, or just they're only training a couple of people in their back yard...), as well.
One of my friends from childhood earned his bb under "coach" Hogan of Wheeling Bando, in WV. He trained in the Bull style. What I liked most about the system is the approach to knife fighting.