Hello all,
In another forum when I was discussing knife defense someone emailed me and suggested I use the "bananna peel" disarm from Kali. The way he described it was "peel the thumb back like a bananna peel". Well I tried this and I got totally trashed by my training partner. I asked the person that gave me this suggestions what I did wrong and he suggested I raise the question on a forum. So here I am.
Basically as the attacker was thrusting in I tried to grab his thrumb and "pull back". This seems dangerous to me anyway as it seems I could accidently grab the knife blade. Anyway I did manage to grab the thumb but as I attempted to "peel back" the other guy just pushed his body into mine, going with the direction I was pulling his thumb, knocked me off balance, freed his knife hand and proceeded to slice and dice me at will. I do have other knife counters that I've tried that work much better for me, so it's not a huge concern, but I was just wondering if I was doing this particular one "bassackwards".
John M. Drake
In another forum when I was discussing knife defense someone emailed me and suggested I use the "bananna peel" disarm from Kali. The way he described it was "peel the thumb back like a bananna peel". Well I tried this and I got totally trashed by my training partner. I asked the person that gave me this suggestions what I did wrong and he suggested I raise the question on a forum. So here I am.

Basically as the attacker was thrusting in I tried to grab his thrumb and "pull back". This seems dangerous to me anyway as it seems I could accidently grab the knife blade. Anyway I did manage to grab the thumb but as I attempted to "peel back" the other guy just pushed his body into mine, going with the direction I was pulling his thumb, knocked me off balance, freed his knife hand and proceeded to slice and dice me at will. I do have other knife counters that I've tried that work much better for me, so it's not a huge concern, but I was just wondering if I was doing this particular one "bassackwards".
John M. Drake