Ban "assault weapons" to reduce crime in Mexico

So, since the police in the US aren't required to prevent crime or defend us (various court cases, etc) and are more a "before the event" deterrent and "after the event" investigation, not a "during the event" protector, who will defend us against those who would harm us, if we can't and the police aren't around to be a deterrent?

THAT IS RESULT OF 5 SUPREME COURT DECISIONS!! THE POLICE HAVE NO DUTY.. I SAY AGAIN.. *** NO DUTY*** TO DEFEND YOU OR PROTECT YOU AT ALL FROM ANY HARM OR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY!!! their duty is to investigate the crime seen, collect evidence for the prosecutors, and arrest people indicted by a grand jury. NOTHING ELSE!!!

that is the Supreme Court of The United States of America by the way...
You will not like this one. Not posting it because I agree with it, so don't attack me. It sucks, but here it is:

And here's another. Remember that comment here the other day about 'No Barrett 50 cals in Mexico?' Think again.

Grab yer ankles, boys. BOHICA.

I'm not grabbing my ankles, I'm not grabbing onto ANYTHING, except the enemy's balls.
As I said elsewhere this isn't going anywhere. The chief gun control proponents in the Senate like Feinstein and Schumer have acknowledged that it's political suicide. The latest gun control bill didn't get a single co-sponsor. Even Bush's national security gun control bill didn't get any Dems to sign on.

The Democrats realize that it's not going to win them any votes and will cost them control of the House and Senate for the next generation. Your concerns are vastly overblown. But it's still one of the main GOP talking points because it appeals to fear, the Party's only effective marketing strategy at present.
So, since the police in the US aren't required to prevent crime or defend us (various court cases, etc) and are more a "before the event" deterrent and "after the event" investigation, not a "during the event" protector, who will defend us against those who would harm us, if we can't and the police aren't around to be a deterrent?

There have been plenty of dead cops killed "during events" all those SC cases do is keep every person who the cops couldnt find or get to in time from sueing.

That being said, I agree with the general premise. If someone is trying to kill you RIGHT NOW. There is no way a cop can be depended upon to be close enough to save you. There just isnt enough of us and I wouldnt want to live in a country where there were THAT many cops anyway.
There have been plenty of dead cops killed "during events"
And I take my hat off to every one of them, and thank them for their sacrifice.

Despite my numerous complaints in other threads concerning the actions of some cops, I'm glad they are there, and that here in the US our police are mostly an honest bunch. Problem in Mexico is, the honest ones are out numbered and out gunned by the corrupt ones.

Rather than ban assault weapons, how about this:
- Proper enforcement of existing laws, in both nations.
- Proper screening at the boarder, in both directions. Less guns to Mexico, less illegals and drugs to the US. Also, less unsafe trucks hauling from Mexico into the US.
- Increased border security all along all of our borders inspecting all entry and exit. Don't let criminals in, and don't let them out either. Yes, increased delays and more manpower are needed, but I would rather heavily guard the door, than have to check everyone inside the room over and over and over again.
Yup...the "lets infringe on our citizens rights because of whats going on in another country" is a new twist.

Probably because all the old arguments didnt float....
Or Bob, lets put up a wall between the two countries and not allow anyone to cross over.

Works for me.

The wall only works if you can get it to extend a half mile under ground, and make it impervious to breaching. I like the underground river full of piranha myself. :D

come on now, what if i want to go see a tiajuana donkey show?


You can google it? :rofl:
One would hope that the government chooses to only enforce the laws we already have but that is doubtful at best at this point. I can only say that if you would like to own a firearm that you believe might fall under a ban similar to the Brady Bill of legend then you might want to try and pick it up now, along with any other related items like: extra mags, enough ammo to keep you happy and whatever else..... I am in the market for ammo myself.... know any .223 suppliers out there?