Bagua + Taiji guy; ex Xingyi, MMA, Kendo, TKD


White Belt
Jul 15, 2018
Reaction score
Hello, fellow martial artists!

I'm Alvin from Singapore and I practise Ma Weiqi Bagua and Yang Taiji under Guo Shilei of China. Also did some Wu2-derived Taiji with a different gent for a time.

Before this, going backwards chronologically, I practised Shanxi Xingyi for 5-6 years, did a couple of years of Kendo, mixed it up with people from various styles (including Judo, BJJ, and Muay Thai) for a bit, did some hard qigong (haha), and was a Taekwondo instructor.

I'm primarily interested in the combative aspects of martial arts and am usually keen to spar or push a bit with anyone. I've been out of practice the last couple of years though!
Hey this just hit me about the title of this thread

"Bagua + Taiji guy; ex Xingyi, MMA, Kendo, TKD"

There is no such thing as an ex-Xingyiquan person....... only recovering with relapse expected :D