Bad Ukemi... Bad.


MTS Alumni
Its snowing like a... well, Its snowing a lot here tonite.

I was leaving a local dining establishment, and walking upslope in the parking lot thru a mess of wet, slippery slush with ice under it.

I lost my footing, my feet slid out from under me and I pitched over backwards... went into a rear roll, and... er...

Got up to my shoulder, and instead of momentum carrying me over in a nice roll and back onto my feet, I sort of slid down the slope about a foot on my shoulder with my feet in the air, into a big pool of icy slush water in the gutter between the lot and the street before completing the roll and landing face down...

Tonites lesson?

Practice Practice practice.

Althouh aside from looking like a fool and all my friends laughing at me, I can thank my mediocre ukemi skills from keeping me from getting injured when i fell...
Glad you didn't get hurt. Hey we need more snow to make the proper falls anyway! The snow, must have went south of us. :D
You'all got it in Nebr., Iowa and Chicago. We did get a few inches, first of the season on Saturday! Sigh, winter is upon us. TW
Ahh, ice is pretty unpredictable! I'm glad you came out okay with no serious damage....

- Ceicei
Training on slippery surfaces is an important part of ninjutsu - 'hyojo hoko' or something. Besides socks on linoleum, I don't get much of that. Not much ice here in Florida.

There was another aspect of that roll that is also good to practice - travelling along a gradient - i.e. up and down hills. That is something I practice often during the outdoor sessions, but again, the hills here in Florida aren't all that big. :D

What do we have a lot of here in Florida? . .. oh yeah, water - that's why we try to get in some good suiren at least once a year.

Looks like you got a good lesson there. Make sure to bring it back to the dojo with you and share with your buyu!
I would say if you didnt get hurt your ukemi was pretty good. Ukemi is not about how you fall, it is also about how you deal with life.
I hit some black ice two years ago and went down on my side. Caught myself with my hand (bad move). I didn't get hurt.

I learned from that experience that a slip on ice can be very different from any throw you'd encounter in the dojo. When someone sweeps you in class, there's friction with the mat, with your opponent. With ice, there is none. You can go down quicker.

But there have been times where my training has helped when I've slipped. Once I "banana peeled" it and did a classic back fall. It hurt, but could have been worse.


Years ago I was getting into my car it was just wide enough to open an old 1975 Chevelle two door and slide in. Well I slipped on some ice and down ai went. I did a break fall and slapped the blacktop. Hand stung, was a little wet, but no injuries. It is a good skill to have.

A few weeks ago, I was a bit inebriated at karaoke. I was singing a happy little Limp Bizkit song called Break Stuff, got carried away and took a header off the stage. I basically did a dive roll, and never missed a note. Not only that, but I got a standing ovation when the song was over... ;)

Kreth said:
A few weeks ago, I was a bit inebriated at karaoke. I was singing a happy little Limp Bizkit song called Break Stuff, got carried away and took a header off the stage. I basically did a dive roll, and never missed a note. Not only that, but I got a standing ovation when the song was over... ;)

Thats funny, cuz on halloween I got a wee inebriated, and was being walked back to our car and apparently fell over rolled, got back up and kept going without missing a beat... everyone said it was like I never fell.

Funny part is I was dressed in a nice heavy chainmail hauberk, and it made no nevermind to my roll...
Ice... the silent killer. We were going on a raid into a drug house and the ram man was just about to strike the door when he slipped on an ice patch in front of the door causing him to fall on his bottom. The guy behind him grabbed the ram and successfully breached the door. The guy that fell had no injuries other than a bruised ego. Ice is defeinitely not fun.

the hardest falls i had in a while were while learning to snowboard.
i've gotten quite sure of myself now, but for a while i would occasionally hit the ground really hard really fast-sometimes took the wind right out of me. took me a while to figure out the physics of what was happening.

on the street ive been more lucky only slipping sometimes to have my hands waving around funny but not actually gone down.

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