Back to Physical Therapy

I apologize for getting the thread off topic! Please, carry on.
Hope and prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

My wife is going through PT at the moment as well for her shoulder. She had to tears in her rotator cuff area from a work injury.

On the plus side, you can examine and train one handed techniques and flow and how to apply the art without the arm support arm. Then when you ARE healthy, you can adapt the techniques to "what if I was holding a baby" or another object and could only use one arm.
Turns out I have developed tendonitis in my right shoulder, so I'm going to miss dojo for the next four weeks while I go through three-times-a-week physical therapy. The PT tested my range of motion on my right arm and holy cow it is limited. I didn't know it was getting so bad. I just knew if I reached for something on a high shelf, it hurt.

Getting old just freaking sucks. I don't recommend it.
I thought that I was a real tough guy when I first enlisted. I remember really pushing myself on our first RPFT run and was on track to finish my 2 miles in under 11 minutes. My RI was running with me and turned around and started running backwards and yelling at me! Really took the wind out of my sails!
We had to run 1-3/4 miles in under 15-minutes to 'pass' (which a Lot of people could not do and still passed). Back then I could regularly run it at about 9:55. A couple times I pushed it to 9:35 and still never came close to beating the instructor.

I could beat our firing range instructor though.