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Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Turns out I have developed tendonitis in my right shoulder, so I'm going to miss dojo for the next four weeks while I go through three-times-a-week physical therapy. The PT tested my range of motion on my right arm and holy cow it is limited. I didn't know it was getting so bad. I just knew if I reached for something on a high shelf, it hurt.

Getting old just freaking sucks. I don't recommend it.
Turns out I have developed tendonitis in my right shoulder, so I'm going to miss dojo for the next four weeks while I go through three-times-a-week physical therapy. The PT tested my range of motion on my right arm and holy cow it is limited. I didn't know it was getting so bad. I just knew if I reached for something on a high shelf, it hurt.

Getting old just freaking sucks. I don't recommend it.
Had the same thing a couple of years ago, spent the whole winter in PT. Praying for you bud.
I hope mine doesn't take too long. Insurance is good but it only pays for 4 weeks.
I had something similar. The orthopedic guy sent me in for some vigorous PT. It hurt, but I really worked at it .....and I only got worse! After about a month and some steep copays, I quit and just tried very gentle movements on my own. It continued to get worse for a while, then just stayed stiff for a long time before gradually, over many months, getting somewhat better. The doc didn't give me a name for the condition, but the whole cycle of getting worse, then staying very stiff but hurting less, and then finally improving, followed the descriptions I found online for "frozen shoulder"...if that's even a real thing.

Now I'm going in to another doc to see if he can do anything for my "achilles tendonosis". From the research I've done, it's another tricky situation with no one "gold standard" of treatment. Still, it would be nice to be able to walk without a limp. It would really help my MA if I didn't hurt all the time. Running is out of the question, but at least being able to take long, brisk walks again would be great and help me lose a few pounds too!

Anyway, I really hope your PT does the trick. Let us know for sure!
Well, look at the bright side Bill. We're still doing MA, even if we gimp around or wince when we exceed our range of motion. Heck, a lot of my old friends are dead.

Heck all my Dad's old friends are dead and he seams to enjoy life. He was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. His bright side is that it's not a problem. He says he'll be long dead from old age before the cancer get's him. He'd turning 99 this month!

Well, look at the bright side Bill. We're still doing MA, even if we gimp around or wince when we exceed our range of motion. Heck, a lot of my old friends are dead.

Heck all my Dad's old friends are dead and he seams to enjoy life. He was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. His bright side is that it's not a problem. He says he'll be long dead from old age before the cancer get's him. He'd turning 99 this month!

My doctor told me everybody gets prostate cancer if they live long enough. My PSA is at the lower level of detectable, so at 63 I'm good so far. Glad your dad's hanging in there. I lost my dad 20 years ago.
I had something similar. The orthopedic guy sent me in for some vigorous PT. It hurt, but I really worked at it .....and I only got worse! After about a month and some steep copays, I quit and just tried very gentle movements on my own. It continued to get worse for a while, then just stayed stiff for a long time before gradually, over many months, getting somewhat better. The doc didn't give me a name for the condition, but the whole cycle of getting worse, then staying very stiff but hurting less, and then finally improving, followed the descriptions I found online for "frozen shoulder"...if that's even a real thing.

Now I'm going in to another doc to see if he can do anything for my "achilles tendonosis". From the research I've done, it's another tricky situation with no one "gold standard" of treatment. Still, it would be nice to be able to walk without a limp. It would really help my MA if I didn't hurt all the time. Running is out of the question, but at least being able to take long, brisk walks again would be great and help me lose a few pounds too!

Anyway, I really hope your PT does the trick. Let us know for sure!
Your issues sound like mine. I have calves that burn like fury sometimes. I definitely can't walk around the block without pain. Stretching and exercise makes it worse. It comes and goes. Stops hurting the minute I sit down. Doctor shrugs it off. Sometimes I limp, sometimes I don't, but I short step and walk slowly. Don't trust my balance.
Wishing you all the best with the PT and hope it helps your alleviate your pain. Getting old sounds like a real pain, but I am only 13yrs behind you and praying to stay in good health for the rest of my life. Physiotherapy can be a blessing if you get the right practitioner working on your health. I am sure you will be back to the dojo training in no time at all.
Turns out I have developed tendonitis in my right shoulder, so I'm going to miss dojo for the next four weeks while I go through three-times-a-week physical therapy. The PT tested my range of motion on my right arm and holy cow it is limited. I didn't know it was getting so bad. I just knew if I reached for something on a high shelf, it hurt.

Getting old just freaking sucks. I don't recommend it.
as far as I know...getting old, although it ain't for the timid, is better than the alternative
Is the inflammation caused by impingement of the (supraspinatus) tendon? This is exactly what I have, now in both shoulders! The physiotherapists who’ve seen me about it gave me the usual exercises got rotator cuff injury but they often made things worse.

In the end I trawled all the resources and found two things that are really helping me: 1) Passive hanging from a monkey bar for 30 sec X 10 daily 2) Posteriorly tilting my scapulae when I’m reaching up high or across for things.

The first stretches the coracoacromial ligament and remodels the coracoid process of the scapula to create more space in the shoulder so the tendon doesn’t rub and become inflamed.

This book will explain the hanging rational-

The second is about preventing the rubbing of the tendon to allow it to heal. You have to try and tilt the upper edge of the scapular backwards to create some space. It takes a little practise.

The hanging takes weeks/months to work but it will in time and you need to keep following the regime. Try it!
While, it does beat the alternatives...
My last year in the service I was managing a room full of young people and they loved to joke around about my reading glasses and how the VA gave me some hearing aides. I used to tell them, you will be here too one day, if you are lucky.
My last year in the service I was managing a room full of young people and they loved to joke around about my reading glasses and how the VA gave me some hearing aides. I used to tell them, you will be here too one day, if you are lucky.
I told a 26 year old, new IT guy, pretty much the same thing for pretty much the same reason, about 2 weeks ago
My last year in the service I was managing a room full of young people and they loved to joke around about my reading glasses and how the VA gave me some hearing aides. I used to tell them, you will be here too one day, if you are lucky.
It was always a joy when I got to do PT with the young guys. I loved the look on their face when they realized that they couldn’t hang with the old man!
It was always a joy when I got to do PT with the young guys. I loved the look on their face when they realized that they couldn’t hang with the old man!
Last time I went to PT, the first office before I changed, I am pretty sure the person had a degree as a medieval dungeon master
It was always a joy when I got to do PT with the young guys. I loved the look on their face when they realized that they couldn’t hang with the old man!
I went through a police academy decades ago. I was in my later 30's and could smoke everyone except the PT instructor who was a former Marine trainer who ran like a Gazelle.
Good times.
I went through a police academy decades ago. I was in my later 30's and could smoke everyone except the PT instructor who was a former Marine trainer who ran like a Gazelle.
Good times.
I thought that I was a real tough guy when I first enlisted. I remember really pushing myself on our first RPFT run and was on track to finish my 2 miles in under 11 minutes. My RI was running with me and turned around and started running backwards and yelling at me! Really took the wind out of my sails!