Back to BASICS!!!!!


Senior Master
Some time ago we discuss in this forum about the kichos, in one point I tought they were useless and I must start right from the begining with taeguks, well I think I was not so right this time. A fellow student is coming back afther a retirement of TKD classes of maybe 8 months, he is a yellow belt and truth to be told I know I have to start from cero again with this fellow.

I have now a blue belt and a marron belt and this yellow belt, so yesterday I began to restudiying the kichos... ohhh well they are useless I tought at the first time .... but this yellow belt needs atention and .... it could be a refreshing thing to the couple of advanced students.

I began with a light lecture about the kichos and explained that in some how they (4) are very similar and that very few stances and blocks change but in esence the patron of the kicho is a I letter, that all the kichos have almost the same estructure and all have 20 steps to follow, pretty easy don't you think?

I also do stress about that no matter how easy the kichos look we must do them with all our effort and with all the martiality we can because no matter they look easy we must do them RIGHT!! we must show a very good tech doing them, and that's exactly what we did.

I put all my efforts to make clear tech is everithing and that the easy stances,blocks and punches must be do clean and strong focusing in every step of the kicho.

I am glad to start again from below and I am going to prepare my yellow belt student in the kichos so he can progress on taeguks when he will be ready, in the other hand I will keep an eye in my advanced students so they can perform very good in the kichos cause this is the basis to improve their taeguks.

Some thing I just almost forgot. Afther the kichos I asked my students to think about the aplication of the kichos and we conclude the class with 4 one steps we took from this basic exercises.


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