Back in the Loop

*checks google image search* I've never seen that stance. When is it done?

Bending Ready Stances are, basically, preparatory movements, but can also be used in defense. Bending Ready Stance A is performed in Won-Hyo, Yul-Gok, Choong-Moo, Ge-Baek, Choi-Yong, Moon-Moo, and So-San.

Bending Ready Stance B is used in Ko-Dang/Ju-Che and Moon-Moo.


I like the slow-fast side kick in that pattern. I haven't seen that before (it's not in any Kukkiwon poomsae) and it looks like an interesting challenge when you first try it.

Thanks for posting that!


That Pattern "Moon Moo" is considered an estheticaly pleasing pattern often chosen by ITF people as a competition pattern due to the technical , athletic difficulty of the slow motion moves. Many Chang Hon - Non - ITF stylists choose it for the same reason.

The person in the Video Naomi Perrine is a top notch Champion given the name "Adopted daughter" by General Choi.
Also, while we are at it, as noted at post #5, in addittion to the side Piercing kicks, this pattern also contains, Side Checking, Side thrusting, and side Pushing kicks.
That Pattern "Moon Moo" is considered an estheticaly pleasing pattern often chosen by ITF people as a competition pattern due to the technical , athletic difficulty of the slow motion moves. Many Chang Hon - Non - ITF stylists choose it for the same reason.

The person in the Video Naomi Perrine is a top notch Champion given the name "Adopted daughter" by General Choi.

That is an amazing performance of a form. The body control is incredible.