Back from Orlando -- Results


Senior Master
So, because I'm more stubborn than I am smart, I once again tried my hand at competeing. Last year i got a gold in forms for showing up and I got my behind handed to me in sparring (didn't get out of the first round).

This year was MUCH better. I got silver in Ultra forms (beat out 2 other guys no less) and bronze in spoet poomse. I have to figure out a way to get my adrenaline going while doing forms becuase that is what killed me this year. Keumgang is HARD to do well when your legs are trembling :)

In sparring, my goals were modest, score a point. I drew last year (and this year's) gold medalist...a guy who fights out of the Peak performance camp. He pretty much shut me down for most of the match. BUT I got a point, I lasted all three rounds (didn't even feel like puking), survived a nasty hook kick to the back of the head without needing an eight count or backing off my game plan, AND my coach overheard him saying to his teammate that I "kicked like a mule."...I'll take that as a moral victory.

Next year, I want to win one round. That's the goal.

Congrats on your Poomsae medals and your one point moral victory. Improvement is just that, improvement.

You may want to post this in Mango.Man's Good Vibe thread as well.
Congratulations man. If you're improving a little bit each out that's all you can really ask for. One point this year, a round next year....who knows what 2012 will have in store for ya.
I definitely had a good time, but it was a LONG week. I learned a lot though. I swear, I learn more about sparring and forms at these things than I do the rest of the year. that makes the experience worth more than any medal or other honor in my opinion.

I'll be spending this week cogitating on what I learned and then coming up with drills to work on these thing smyself and pass them on to my kids.

It was a long week, but this year I did much better. For the first time in 20+ years of competing, I earned a GOLD in sparring.

1. 6th place overall Poomsae Team Trial 1st Master
2. Gold in Individual 4th dan Poomsae
3. Gold in Ultra Fin weight sparring
4. Gold in 1st Master Sport Poomsae

I noticed that in the Poomsae Team Trial, I did much better than last year Team Trial, but my score is so much lower than the Semi-round from last year. 5.84 for the final round this year.

My theory is:
1. 3 out of 5 judges in my ring were in experienced OR
2. The judges were given the direction to score like the World Standard for Poomsae Team trial. OR
3. 1 & 2

I say that because I did the same 2 poomsae in the final round for the Sport Poomsae division, with different judges, and my score was 6.48. *shrug*

Either that, it was 6 pm on Saturday and the judges do not care any more, so they weren't trigger happy on their fingers.
I watched a lot of the sport poomse and team trials. The judging was VERY strict this year. A 6.84 would'ver been an exceptionally high score. I'm guessing the judges were told to stick to the world standard and be very picky.
