Back From Long Hiatus


Yellow Belt
Greetings to all!

I am back after a few years away from Martial Talk....I used to be a regular follower of the threads, then life kinda got in the way, and then, well....I just never got back to it. My loss. :)

Anyway, I'm back to lurk, post, and share ideas, and look forward to seeing old friends, and meeting new ones!


LOL...I wouldn't say I'm "one of the good ones"....but I'm back, anyway.

I'm a perpetual white belt. LOL

Thanks to everyone for the welcomes. It does feel good to be back.



Hi Tonbo, a pleasure to welcome you back to the fold :D. I'm sure that you already know that it's great here but I don't mind being so brash as to say it out loud :lol:.

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