Hello from Portland, Oregon


Yellow Belt
Greetings from the Pacific Northwest!

I'm getting back into MA after a few years away and decided I should stop lurking.

I'm old enough to remember all the fads - the 70s Bruce Lee boom, the 80s Ninja fad, the 90s MMA/UFC years. I've been fortunate to study under some fantastic teachers - Bill Hulsey (Kung Fu San Soo) and Dave Hebler (American Kenpo Karate). Looking forward to some good conversation here.
Welcome from Vancouver, Washington! To echo Lamont, do you have anything in mind?
Welcome! Are you pursuing anything in particular these days?

At the moment I'm taking an unconventional approach - I'm improving my MA by getting back into top physical form, so focusing on general athletic training, stretching, etc. I'm hoping to resume some kung fu training.

My latest (just completed) project was creating a central directory of martial arts home study programs: blackbeltdl.com.
Welcome from Olympia, Washington. Hope you like Martial Talk. Lots of great people to talk with/discuss MA.
