Ba gua in Korea


Orange Belt
I was wondering if anyone here knows of any Ba Gua Zhang instructors in South Korea?
Sorry, No.

But if you Google "baguazhang" "south korea" (together with quotes) you do get some places where they had Bagua seminars put on by masters from Beijing. I would start looking there

I wish I could be of more help
Well I found one place somewhat near where I will be.

The underlying philosophy of Teoul Moon Kung-Fu is respect. Respect for ones school, ones teachers, ones fellow students, and others. Teoul Moon is not taught as a means of violence or force, you will not learn how to fight, but rather how not to have to fight. This does not mean however that students will not learn the practical application of techniques. Knowing the application of a technique is a key part in understanding Teoul Moon Kung-Fu. Learning and knowing the appropriate usage of these techniques is what we teach.

I am not sure to take this as a good thing or a bad one. This seems to be more of a wushu statement than a kung fu statement. At the current hopgar/tai chi place I am going at now the rule is don't start a fight but if you find yourself in one then open up a can of whoop *** :shooter: