The first thing, "objectivism," IS NOT is objective.
This is a fourth-rate, "philosophy," based on a really rather simple proposition: greed is good, much as in Gordon Gekko's speech in the movie, "Wall Street." Grab everything you can; the best man--and we do mean, "man"--wins, devil take the hindermost. In Rand's arguuments, this is taken for gospel truth, based upon the idea that this is somehow not only, "natural," but in conformity with the essential spirit of "man."
If you read her novels, however, something even nastier appears: a) we should all bow down before great men; b) most of the ills of the world come from the little people, the coloreds, the Jews who interfere with the Great Men; c) women cannot ever be great men, and if they appear to try, they should be beaten and raped on a bathroom floor, which will be good becacause they will like that a lot.
In other words, "objectivism," is a slightly-weird combo of capitalist theory run even more amuck than usual, and Fascism.
And oh yes--if you like this stuff, you should keep in mind that one thing it is NOT is democratic. She--and that dork Nathaniel Branden--always portray, "the masses," as bad.
Oh yeah, and THX 1138 was a helluva lot better than her science fiction.