Awww crud. Diabetes here too (maybe).

I'm not sure I'd suggest being skeptical of what her doctor tells her.

Being on top of your test results and not just taking their word is very important. I'd never recommend ignoring your doctor's advice.

I speak only from my experience, for which doctors told us many, many things based on many, many tests. None of it matched our experience or symptoms.

I hope that Carol's doctor listens to her, which is an important thing.

I care about Carol's health and so want her to follow what appears to be true for her. Positive thoughts your way----
The visit with the doc yesterday went well.

I don't know the results of my tests yet. However...after 3 days at the new dosage of thyroid meds and my first weekly dose of the Rx Vitamin D, I'm noticing a substantial improvement. The Vitamin D in particular...5 or 10 minutes after the first dose and I was like whoa....the lights came on here :D

So...for now my doc and I are being cautiously optimistic. We'll see what the results bring, and she'll be taking another look 60 days from now regardless.
The visit with the doc yesterday went well.

I don't know the results of my tests yet. However...after 3 days at the new dosage of thyroid meds and my first weekly dose of the Rx Vitamin D, I'm noticing a substantial improvement. The Vitamin D in particular...5 or 10 minutes after the first dose and I was like whoa....the lights came on here :D

So...for now my doc and I are being cautiously optimistic. We'll see what the results bring, and she'll be taking another look 60 days from now regardless.

That vitamin D sounds like something I need! What is the strength of the pills you take, if you don't mind me asking?

My mom's family tree is riddled with diabetes, so I'm hoping that isn't in your future. I'm keeping a good thought for you :)
Diabetes is absolutely a real disease, and requires a partnership with your doc to address and manage. The Doc provides the meds; you change what you feed the beast.

One of the few health disorders in which the effects of our food choices can be so easily attributed to the symptooms, and progression of the process.

Be gald of your doc, Carol. Cuz if you were my pt. ... (hubba-hubba) ;)

Just saw this and sending many hugs your way as well. I hope that it's not diabetes, but as many have said in this and other post (including me lol) it is a serious but treatable disease. Hope we hear good news form you soon!
I do have (mostly) good news!

A Vitamin D deficiency just sucks, and for me, the once-a-week capsule made the symptoms cycle like a roller coaster. That seems to be dying down now that my levels are higher. Thyroid issue is a challenge, but appears to be more stable than it was.

My blood sugar is still a bit of a mystery. Doc said I have slightly elevated liver enzymes which is not enough to be a disease per se but could be enough to cause a bit of havoc with my blood sugar levels.

I'm not big in to drinking but I'm laying off any an all alcohol use for quite some time. Doc also suggested that I consider a pre-diabetic diet and be very cautious of my portion sizes.

The end result - follow up blood glucose tests show my blood glucose is normal, A1C also normal. I still have things to watch for (don't we all?) but I AM NOT DIABETIC! Wooot!!
I'm sorry I missed this initially, but am very glad to hear the positive news! I'll just add that it was very much the same sort of situation that prompted me to seriously consider what I was doing and eating and eventually led me into BJJ.

Take care!
Carol, I think some of what my son has gone through emotionally is due to the severe Vitamin D deficiency and the once-per-week pill he was prescribed. I understand it's hard to get those levels to budge at all, but it sure seems to make more sense to spread the dosage rather than BANG BANG once per week.

Will keep praying this all evens out for you. :)
Hypothyroidism may be the root cause of the symptoms you're describing; lack of mental focus, weight gain, and so on. Many of my family members (father, stepmom, wife) have been taking synthroid for years, and describe the sensation of suddenly having the lights switched on in a darkened room after about a week on the medication.

The thyroid can also affect many other systems in your body including odd things like lactation and ovulation... I still credit my wife's endocrinologist with getting her pregnant 11 years ago (which is impressive since the endocrinologist was also female). Additionally, this is a chronically under-diagnosed condition, since the standard blood test doesn't look directly at thyroid levels, but instead at the thyroid stimulating hormone levels, which can give inaccurate results.

Keep up with the thyroid replacement and the vitamin D and check blood levels again in a few months... I think you may be pleasantly surprised.
We discussed that as well. I've been on the replacement meds for several years and have experinced some of the symptoms when it was time to have my meds adjusted. I think what got me was that this time the symptoms didn't feel the same somehow.

I am already feeling markedly different than I was 6-8 weeks ago.

Sadly there was one catastrophe and that was my classes. I am an A/B student but I am about to get two Fs. I'm trying to see if I can work things out with the University.
Definitely speak with the profs. and your advisor! If nothing else you should be able to get an incomplete or withdrawal from the courses in good standing for a medical reason like this.