Attn: SCSU Tang Soo Do students


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
We had a great workout on Monday night and I would like to use this post to extend an invite to you all to come and post at my hosted forum. We are doing alot of interesting things up here and I hope you'll come and check us out.

Also, if the interest is there, I would be willing to subdivide this forum in order to create separate school forums for all of the teachers under my teacher.

Check in, say hi, look around, join in, and send this link to your TSD buddies...

Tang Soo!!!

greetings to all the superior tang soo do peeps out there (or in here if you will) just got back from vacation and thought i would log into the forum (finally) and say hello. will try to get the rest of our members to log in when i see them next week
kyosa said:
greetings to all the superior tang soo do peeps out there (or in here if you will) just got back from vacation and thought i would log into the forum (finally) and say hello. will try to get the rest of our members to log in when i see them next week

Greetings. It's nice seeing you here, kyosa. Have a look around let us know what you think.



ps - this is my teacher folks...
Your teacher? Wow. What's his name? (Either of you can answer.)

Ian:toilclaw: AHHH! EVIL TOILET!
Mr. K, how many years has your teacher trained?

Ian:xwing: :jediduel: :jedi1:

IMP said:
Mr. K, how many years has your teacher trained?

Ian:xwing: :jediduel: :jedi1:


I suppose its going on 30 years. I've trained with him for almost 10 years.

Wow. I can't believe that its been that long. I remember my first class like it was yesterday...
IMP said:
Wow. 30 years. Then what about Master Penfil?


By that, I mean how long has he been training. "Hmm... why didn't I ask him in class??":idunno:

Sorry, talking to myself.

Ian :jedi1:
i began training in the martial arts in 1882 with a guy by the name of "kung fu" Bob Fritz in a variety of Kung Fu systems. He left st cloud in 1984 and I then began my training in Tang Soo Do March 4th of that year. After testing for cho dan in 1987 i continued my training in Tang Soo Do and also begain training in a variety of Martial Arts systems and incorperated many of those systems into my teaching and training. I hold a brown sash in Arnis De Mano Baston Batangas, yellow belt Kodokan Judo, yellow belt Ryu Kyu Kenpo, and have trained in Takeda Ryu, Kali, Muey Thai, Wing Chun Aiado and Daito Ryu AikiJujitsu. I'm a 19+ year veteran in law enforcement with the Stearns Co Sheriffs Dept and the main defensive tactics instructor for my Dept. I have trained in PSS(protective safety systems)and the ISR matrix (intercept, stabilize and control). I am an instructor in Controlled Force, PPCT(pressure point control tactics) and Taser. I do most if not all the use of force analysis for my Dept if there is a question regarding a use of force incident. I am looking forward to getting up to Superior and meeting all of Mr Kedrowski's students this fall.
I began training in the martial arts in 1882 with a guy by the name of "kung fu" Bob Fritz in a variety of Kung Fu systems. He left st cloud in 1984 and I then began my training in Tang Soo Do March 4th of that year. After testing for cho dan in 1987 i continued my training in Tang Soo Do and also begain training in a variety of Martial Arts systems and incorperated many of those systems into my teaching and training. I hold a brown sash in Arnis De Mano Baston Batangas, yellow belt Kodokan Judo, yellow belt Ryu Kyu Kenpo, and have trained in Takeda Ryu, Kali, Muey Thai, Wing Chun Aiado and Daito Ryu AikiJujitsu. I'm a 19+ year veteran in law enforcement with the Stearns Co Sheriffs Dept and the main defensive tactics instructor for my Dept. I have trained in PSS(protective safety systems)and the ISR matrix (intercept, stabilize and control). I am an instructor in Controlled Force, PPCT(pressure point control tactics) and Taser. I do most if not all the use of force analysis for my Dept if there is a question regarding a use of force incident. I am looking forward to getting up to Superior and meeting all of Mr Kedrowski's students this fall.

its good to be a good fighter, but better to be a good person
we have a new black belt in tang soo do as of yesterday. mr john steckleberg passed his dan test yesterday. congrats
we have a new black belt in tang soo do as of yesterday. mr john steckleberg passed his dan test yesterday. congrats

Congrats! Sorry that I couldn't make your test. Everything was kind of short notice and I was out of town. My wife had her class reunion in Madison last weekend and I was on kid duty at the in-laws. Kyosa, can you give some details?
it was a typical dan test in that i push the student past their physical ability....when the body begins to fail the mind must take over. when the mind starts to fail after the body is failing all you have left is your spirit. mr. steckleberg maintained great discipline even though he was basically spent physically and mentally and got all his breaks. overall it was a very good test and he can be very proud of his new rank. he missed his jump spin side kick 3 board break but made up with it by doing a 3" punch break and some other breaks that werent required for cho dan.