Attention all users...

Lol. leave it to the Wing Chun people. A lot in in fighting for the rights to claim what Wing Chun is. Martialtalk needs to host a tournament. Lol.
Lol. leave it to the Wing Chun people. A lot in in fighting for the rights to claim what Wing Chun is. Martialtalk needs to host a tournament. Lol.

You're so right about the in fighting bit. Title of WSL early 80's video is Wing Chun - The Science of In Fighting, guess he never ever expect people to take it literally and to the extreme.:facepalm::p
@ Guy -- My previous post was a reflection on attitude, I have nothing against WSL-VT. In fact I am an admirer of the system, ...although I haven't found anybody teaching it in my area.

Regarding your having experienced other WC branches and then converting to WSL VT, I have little to say ...except beware of becoming a janissary for your newfound art. Converts often become the most extreme zealots. Kind of like self-righteous non-smokers who have but recently given up the habit.;)
@ Guy -- My previous post was a reflection on attitude, I have nothing against WSL-VT. In fact I am an admirer of the system, ...although I haven't found anybody teaching it in my area.

Regarding your having experienced other WC branches and then converting to WSL VT, I have little to say ...except beware of becoming a janissary for your newfound art. Converts often become the most extreme zealots. Kind of like self-righteous non-smokers who have but recently given up the habit.;)
First I completely agree with this. I too have no issue with WSLVT and see it as an excellent system. My issue is only born when alternative systems are dismissed with little evidence detailed as a justification.

I also agree with the last. I had some WSLVT training before I found my current school. First night there we open with chi sau. Now my teacher once studied WSLVT as well yet when he saw my chi sau he came over and said "no, that's modified WC not Traditional Wing Chun" so I had to start at the beginning again "reprogram" my forms.

I wouldn't call him a true fanatic because there are times where I have used TWC techniques in more of an Aikido fashion (I go for control and take downs in sparring more than the other students) and he doesn't have an issue with it, maybe because he knows it will help me on the job, BUT he still sees TWC as superior to WSLVT and will refer to other YM Lineages as "modified."

PS I used "Aikido fashion" because that was the first Eastern TMA I studied.
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@ Guy -- My previous post was a reflection on attitude, I have nothing against WSL-VT. In fact I am an admirer of the system, ...although I haven't found anybody teaching it in my area.

Regarding your having experienced other WC branches and then converting to WSL VT, I have little to say ...except beware of becoming a janissary for your newfound art. Converts often become the most extreme zealots. Kind of like self-righteous non-smokers who have but recently given up the habit.;)

Thanks for the reply. I don't feel as if my attitude is a bad one, or that I am arrogant about the WSL VT system compared to other systems- I like to cross train and I am always exploring new things. I love to learn martial arts. I suppose I have a short attention span for things where I perceive inconsistencies, and I have seen a lot in the wing chun I experienced prior to my current group.

The last VT group I trained with was WSL VT, but after quite a while I found out that it was severely impaired in terms of understanding and efficacy due to lack of knowledge and subsequent gap filling by the teacher. I am not an evangelist for a particular system, maybe more an enthusiast for a particular way of doing things. I am not prepared to put up with a relaxed "its all good" attitude or the converse super secretive "you can learn why we do that later when you have paid me x amount". I need reasons and explanation that is consistent and without contradiction. I need effective demonstration. I appreciate directness. I am not a fan of heirarchies and time served over ability.
Actually, it was Transk that went a little overboard. Then he stopped posting. I assumed a moderator had sent him a warning via PM. The moderation is not at all transparent.

Yeah it was me no doubt. A night of idiocy on my part, and a moment of weakness that I have spent the best part of a week berating myself for.

Do apologise to all members. Didn't even remember posting, bar the one about the VT punch.
Admin's Note:

Some of you haven't exactly been on your best behavior here. While debate, disagreements, and yes, even some heat may be allowed, name-calling and style bashing are flat-out prohibited.

Please keep your discussion civil, and on-topic. Refusal to do so will result in the issuance of warning points that will lead to the suspension or banning of your account.
It seems we really need to republish this on a weekly basis. Or maybe people need to heed it...
Hey sorry if it were me! While I like the sight and have posted stuff I'd like to take off for some reason there is no deleat post button on the bottom of where you post and I'm not great a looking for stuff as I can sees my pots but have no way of destroying them. As some posts were for specific people I can't find the dm button either. I'm sure it's probably there somewhere but not being the first thing on the screen it makes it difficult and I'm kinda hear for fun. If you want to deleat all my posts I'll start over sorry in advance if it was me.
Hey sorry if it were me! While I like the sight and have posted stuff I'd like to take off for some reason there is no deleat post button on the bottom of where you post and I'm not great a looking for stuff as I can sees my pots but have no way of destroying them. As some posts were for specific people I can't find the dm button either. I'm sure it's probably there somewhere but not being the first thing on the screen it makes it difficult and I'm kinda hear for fun. If you want to deleat all my posts I'll start over sorry in advance if it was me.
Since this thread is from 2016, before you joined, you might be safe....
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