Attended a Breaking Seminar 8/1/09


Master Black Belt
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
Larry Fields did a breaking seminar for first time breakers at my school last Saturday. It was primarily for the kids, but we adults got to do a few breaks, also. It was a lot of fun, and Mr. Fields did a great job with both the kids and the adults. This was my first time breaking (I had broken rebreakables a couple of times, but never real boards), and I liked the way it required focus and accuracy. I think I may have to do more of this. :)
Hello, Breaking demos...always very entertaining...Fun to do too...

Does build some confidence...and helps building proper forms and helps in gaining focus!

Proper breathing does play a big part.....

Believeing in one self- ....key to successful breaking...

Glad it was fun for everyone..........Aloha....Next - coconuts...getting hungry