attacking with kenpo

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Seig said:
If I attack, I am not attacking with Kenpo, I am attacking with anger or malice. If I defend myself, I am using Kenpo.

What brings a person to the mental and physical level wherein they must engage another human being is entirely their own choice, and you have made your own point clear. The question comes up, though, when we must consider what we would engage for beyond protection of just ourselves.

Children / loved ones? A friend? An innocent? Your country? What you are willing to engage for is none of my business - or anybody's - but your own. Nevertheless, most humans have something or someone(s) beyond themselves who, when truly in risk of harm by another human, warrants attack, according to their belief system / personal code.

I'd be interested to hear others view on this.


Steven Brown
I think there is an history of considering martial arts a purely defensive. Perhaps it comes from its integration into the general population. I ,however, believe there is a time for berzerker type stuff.