Attack that's difficult to counter

I used to use it in wrestling where no one throws kicks. It’s quite effective. I’ve seen a guy do a cartwheel kinda somersault kinda thing to get out of it once. Better way to describe it, he did what would look like a jumping crescent kick with his planted foot while the other guy was lifting his leg, and landed on his hands, then rolled out before his opponent could recover.

Only saw that one once, and it was beautiful. Never saw it again. And I couldn’t pull that off if I tried.
If you just hold on your opponent's ankle and keep running forward, your opponent cannot do any back flip to escape. I find that ankle hold can easily turn into a foot twist lock in the ground game if you don't release it.
If you just hold on your opponent's ankle and keep running forward, your opponent cannot do any back flip to escape. I find that ankle hold can easily turn into a leg twist lock in the ground game if you don't release it.
I know what you’re saying and agree. But I saw what I described once. Once. It wasn’t a backflip; it was a kind of sideways flip kind of thing. Imagine turning and facing your opponent’s side, then kicking over his head with the foot he doesn’t have. He did it perfectly and got his foot free in the process.

Definitely not something that anyone should rely on by any means.
There are many attacks that are difficult to counter.

For example, when you have obtained your opponent's leading leg, you lift that leg over your shoulder. Your opponent is standing on one leg. Both of his hands cannot reach you. It's also difficult for him to hop back. At that moment, if you kick or punch his groin area, he has no way to stop you.


You may be able to do a back flip to escape.


Do you know any attack that's also difficult to counter?
You're talking about the endpoint of the technique. If we used the same approach, we could say a haymaker is difficult to counter, because that fist hitting your head hard doesn't leave a lot of options. My point is we don't counter the endpoint of a technique, but the attempt to get there.
Your mind gets clouded in a fight, there's a reason they didn't about getting up.
It was sarcasm. Of course they’d “just get back up and suck it up” if they could.”

The only way a UFC level fighter’s mind gets clouded during a fight is if his opponent clouded it by punching him in the head until it went cloudy.
You're talking about the endpoint of the technique. If we used the same approach, we could say a haymaker is difficult to counter, because that fist hitting your head hard doesn't leave a lot of options. My point is we don't counter the endpoint of a technique, but the attempt to get there.
A lot of stuff doesn’t have a counter after it’s been applied. You counter a rear naked choke only by not getting into one in the first place. Same with most submissions, unless the person didn’t sink it properly and you manage to slip out of it. You can’t counter many throws mid air; you can only try to land right and roll through some of them. You can’t counter a punch that’s landed on your jaw; you can only hope it didn’t land right or hard enough and keep fighting.
In terms of countering the leg grab, ive done so many times, several ways
- hopping in to bend my knee before they get my leg too high and punch them in the face
- hop in and wrap my standing leg around them or go for the scissor take down

Drifting strikes are hard to counter
they change target mid flight to the opponent with no loss of forward

Altered timing techniques
this includes things like telegraphing, delaying the intent and the strike, faltering the strike

Uncanny techniques
out of the box strikes such as a rising punch or a swing blow

Blind side
nothing special but attacking when they cant see it coming

Chess like set ups
when you opponent is really good, and has done several things to put you right where they want you, by the time you see it, its too late