At the momement of conflict

don bohrer

Brown Belt
Mar 12, 2002
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
1. Be descisive
2. Move swiftly with focus
3. Continue until the outcome is certain

Anybody like to add something?
Hey finding my thread is like the Texas 2 step.

You know if this place was run on the dewey decimal system I wouldn't keep misfiling threads. You mods don't dole out verbal abuse for a 3rd offense do you? :(
It wasn't so much misfiled as orphaned! I hoped that it might be "adopted" if I moved it here. It was already getting near to slipping off the screen back in General.

-MT Admin-
Sokay. If it slips into obivian thats ok. I will just have to be more creative and post something with a little gissel and fat to it next time. Thanks for ping ponging it back into the forum though.
Originally posted by don bohrer
1. Be descisive
2. Move swiftly with focus
3. Continue until the outcome is certain

Anybody like to add something?
1. Have a plan
2. Choose a strategy
3. develop and use tactics to carry out your plan based upon your strategy
Touch of Death,

Your post points toward just practicing Kenpo. :)

Have a plan is our Techniques
Choose a strategy is desciding what tech to use
Develope and use tactics is working your techs hands on

keep it simple.

dont try any jackie chan moves that will get your a$$ kicked quickly. stick to what you know and what you do well.