Ash Wednesday!

Has anyone ever considered giving up Martial Arts for lent? For me, that would be a sacrifice that would really test my metal.
upnorthkyosa said:
Has anyone ever considered giving up Martial Arts for lent? For me, that would be a sacrifice that would really test my metal.
Odd you say that because that thought flashed across my skull this morning. I wonder what that would be like.
Savage very nice post this makes me think.

We should as humans be wanting to really help our fellow Man as well as all of Gods other creatures as well. I go to an old folks home to play music with some friends it is very nice they really like it. It's a very sad thing to see people in that state. It's a very wonderful thing to see when you bring some light into their day.
Good stuff white is sad to see people who are in homes, but at least they are being taken of and not on the street!

And if for a moment you and your freinds music can suspend time and bring a little sparkle to there eyes...doesnt that all seem worthwhile!
I get involved with the kids through Little League, Boy scouts and church. I also help my neighbors that are to old to drive by taking to church once a month(I am catholic they Baptist)or when there ride does not show up. I truly believe helping others is a good thing promoteing inner faith love is a great thing
Great job Jon. St. Francis said "Go and preach the Gospel to the whole world. Use words if necessary".
Just a many of you are active in spreading the word?

I tell anyone when the subject is brought up BY THEM...about God and his promise!
I try, but there is always room for improvement. I am respectful of all faith systems that do no harm, but I am always willing to explain what I believe and why.
I love spreading the word(many different ways to do so) I usualy do it by getting involved in a cause. Though it can be realy funny when people find out that I am Cath and I do not drink, I dont not smoke,and I am a rep. It seems there is a huge mis-conception of how the faith works. I am not a good preacher of faith just a good practicer of faith. I have had people try to convince me there is no GOD I tell them if there isnt I will know in the end.
bushi jon said:
I love spreading the word(many different ways to do so) I usualy do it by getting involved in a cause. Though it can be realy funny when people find out that I am Cath and I do not drink, I dont not smoke,and I am a rep. It seems there is a huge mis-conception of how the faith works. I am not a good preacher of faith just a good practicer of faith. I have had people try to convince me there is no GOD I tell them if there isnt I will know in the end.

This brings up a interesting thought...people only bring up religion because I practice...I mean its like sending your child to CCD..and not attending mass.

Lead by example I wife is a Jehovahs Witness..and she has it in Bad for catholics...but because I practice my faith everyday, and she sees what the church is about....I asked her one day as she mentioned Idols, and that confession meant we could sin all the know the usual non ctholic arguments. I just asked many orphanages and homeless shelters does your church run? The very next sunday she was at mass with me!

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