Article: Fairness, Raise taxes on the middle class...


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This is an article that is perfect for those who think that the tax code should be about socking it to the people who aren't paying their fair share. Over the last few days I have heard the percentages of taxes paid by the "rich" and in all fairness, they are paying their fair share. Now I am not advocating that anyone pay any more in taxes, and in fact everyone should pay less, unless of course you don't pay any federal income tax and then complain that the rich don't pay their fair share. If you do that you should be paying more, because you are a hypocrite. Here is the article and the best part is the stats given on how much the rich actually pay of the total tax burden...

rom the article:

In the current “unfair” system Obama ostensibly disdains, the wealthiest 1% of households pay 38% of all income taxes, the top 5% (those earning more than $160,000) account for 59% of all federal income taxes, while a Tax Policy Center study showed the bottom 45% paid no income taxes in 2010.
Looking at these numbers, anyone truly concerned with fairness — not vengeance — must conclude the wealthy are shouldering an unfair burden in a system in which they stand to benefit the least.
Obviously we all pay taxes of one sort or another. There are payroll taxes, Social Security taxes, property taxes, sales taxes. At the local and state levels, the wealthiest pay a higher percentage of the tax burden, because they’re buying more expensive properties and purchasing a greater number of goods and services with their disposable income.
But they benefit equally from laws protecting their property, police and fire departments, roads, public schools, and public parks and institutions. (Those who send their kids to private schools pay the cost of those schools plus the cost of the public school, for which they receive nothing in return.) Those who pay less or nothing have equal access to these protections and services.

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