Arizona landowner sued by illegal aliens

Gordon, I don't understand it.

This group has done more to harm America than any foreign army or enemy ever could, and they have done it for the basest of reasons. So much damage has been done, so many businesses and industries either run into the ground or exported for profit (of a few), that I wonder if there's enough left for us to recover.... and if we even can with these cannibals in the kitchen.

But all I hear is a deafening chorus of Mooooooo's and Baaaaaah's......
Here's the $64 thousand question. If all these illegal workers are crossing the borders to work in the United States, who is hiring them? Whoever is doing the hiring doesn't care about immigration law, labour law, the tax payers, or fellow citizens and legal aliens who are hurting for work. They way I figure it, there have to be far fewer bosses hiring illegals than there are workers crossing the border.

Why not catch the bosses, seize their assets, and lock them up?

Here's the $64 thousand question. If all these illegal workers are crossing the borders to work in the United States, who is hiring them? Whoever is doing the hiring doesn't care about immigration law, labour law, the tax payers, or fellow citizens and legal aliens who are hurting for work. They way I figure it, there have to be far fewer bosses hiring illegals than there are workers crossing the border.

Why not catch the bosses, seize their assets, and lock them up?

I don't think you have to lock them up, just impose heavy fines for every illegal he has working for him, so heavy that it's cheaper to higher legal labor than keep hiring illegal labor. Stop giving the illegals money, and either jail them or deport them or both, they committed a crime, hence the use of the word illegal.
Heavy fines won't make the necessary impression on corporations. They certainly have not to date.

Go ahead and fine a corporation all you want.... and those costs will just be passed on to the customer (or recouped in Bailout, VI Edition). They will then offshore operations to someplace where slavery and exploitation are legal.

Now, the one thing criminals fear worst is jail... can't pass along a year in the concrete motel along, can't pass a federal conviction off.
i'm not a legal expert, but i do know that an american citizen (a minor) robbed my house years ago & was ordered to pay $100 restitution, which i never received. so i'm wondering how does an illegal alien in another country sue one of our citizens & actually make him pay? how does he even have access to your civil court system?

i have no idea how i'd even go about suing someone in mexico. & honestly i would have no expectation to, or any expectation to make it stick. especially if i had been escorted out of mexico as a criminal.


If that isn't ****ed up, I don't know what is. I hope he fights that, if its possible. These scumbags come onto his land, illegally and uninvited and now he has to pay them?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!

Emotional distress....oh please...I think I'm gonna puke now.

I love this part by the lawyer of the illegals:

"This verdict in favor of the plaintiffs sends a strong message condemning vigilante violence against immigrants," MALDEF staff attorney Marisol Perez said in a statement."

How can this woman live with herself? What we need to condemn is these people coming into the US illegally. They come onto his land, cause damage his property and litter, and he has to pay them?
I don't think you have to lock them up, just impose heavy fines for every illegal he has working for him, so heavy that it's cheaper to higher legal labor than keep hiring illegal labor. Stop giving the illegals money, and either jail them or deport them or both, they committed a crime, hence the use of the word illegal.

If an illegal alien broke the law with crimes like murder, gang activity, child rape etc.

The employer who is employing illegal aliens should be sentenced not to three years and fines but to a life prison sentence or be on death row and his business taken away depending on what crimes the illegal alien has committed The place of business is now government property

If it is a big business like Walmart hiring illegal aliens to be janitors etc. then Walmart needs to be nationalized under US Government control and all employment are for American citizens and those who hold a honest green card from the INS, not a photo shopped green card from the Mexican Mafia or one of its punk gangs.

I guarantee you that more employers will obey the law and hire law abiding American citizens and say no to illegal aliens.
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Maybe if the damned US Government would do something to stop the influx of illegals, it wouldn't be necessary for American Citizens to do their job for them. Oh, but they are too busy being the worlds policeman to do something here.
:angry: I hope the guy appeals the decision and countersues for his emotional distress and damages to his property. I don't underestand how is it that the INS isn't doing something about the women's status. they should be sitting in jail waiting to collect her money during the appeal process, which should drag on for years.

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