Are there any good escrima stick drill videos?

Ok, I take it back he actually did find a partner to explain a sinawalli pattern.....

And he does say that the application is different than the drill, but do you find his explanation useful? I find it far less than useful, when I teach sinawalli I teach the application of each pattern, what you are attacking and what advantage you are seeking, not just "go out and do it" but functional techniques to let you hit your opponent without getting hit (hopefully).

In my experience, when people don't know the application or how to teach it, they cover it up by only talking about attribute training. Of course, many drills do train attributes, and attribute training is certainly important, but it has to go beyond that at some point. I've found very few FMA instructors that can take drills that do teach attributes and also show the combative application to them.
Work on basic angles 1 and 2 and applying them with varying types of footwork. Those two simple strikes will take you a long way if you can perform them properly while moving and controlling range.
This is great advice. In sparing, while I do use all angles I tend to find 1, 2, 5 (thrust) and 8 (redondo) the most used.

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Here is a video that my instructor just put out on working striking mechanics and targeting with just angles 1 and 2. It's a simple drill that anyone could do from home.
