AOL is the Devil!


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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And I want to replace it. My home computer (ok, my moms) has AOL, and I'm officially fed up with it. Can someone recommond an internet provider that is fast, wont crap out, and cheap. Thank you.
check a mainline DSL or Cable internet company in your area.

Also, removing AOHell from your system can be tricky.
As a little-known clause in their anti-trust suit, AT&T was forced to offer $10/month DSL. They don't advertise it, but if you browbeat the salesperson a bit you can get them to cop to it.
Hey CuongNhuka
AOL indeed is terrible I have cable internet along with phone and cable tv for one package deal may save you guys some money. AOL is a it hard to uninstall due to customer service being so poor. I have heard horror stories of people who canceled their services only to have AOL take money again! Wikipedia I believe has it writen on their site concerning that may want to look into it.

Good luck:cheers:
I tried to uninstall AOL myself is like one of those cancers with the tenticles that reach all over and are really hard to remove. I ended up calling in a true computer nerd to purge my system of the evil that is AOL.
my system came with aol installed, to avoid having their reach in my computer i wiped it clean and re-installed windows to keep it out of my system. Its hard to get rid of hard to use and hard to get ahold of anyone with half a brain there.
Not sure why everyone believes it's so hard to get rid of. Add-remove programs does just fine.
Things may be different now. When I was in the field, blue-screens and forced windoes reinstalls were commonplce if you tried. That was back in the 95/98 days though.
You sure it's really gone, Edge?

One of the problems with it is that it gets its claws into places it shouldn't and the uninstallers didn't do much more than get rid of the most visible bits. I concur that the Add/Remove Programs feature of Windows has gotten much better in recent years so it may be that it does the job properly these days.

Still, my best advice for getting rid of AOL if you're unfortunate enough to have let it in, is to nuke the system to the deck and start again.
OK, so we've covered that:
A, AOL is the devil.
B, AOL is hard to uninstall.

but not:
C, a good alternative to AOL.

when my hubby and i where in nebraska we loved Time warner cable, they had fast reliable internet, fast response to our calls, and where always friendly and helpful on the phone.
Cable or dsl should do just fine :)

Just switched dsl provider here, over 20mbits now pump down the line... :D