Anyone with golf tips here?


White Belt
Who says golf is easy as hitting a golf ball? In fact, it's not. And that's my worry right now. You see, I've never played golf all my life. It may sound weird or unusual, knowing that golf should have been like a man's sport. But I don't play the game, and now my boss is asking me to go with him for some leisurely play over the weekend. I don't want to look like a jerk by then.

Well, I scavenged for some basic golf tips over the Net, but I'm not sure if this is all.

A fast help will do this time, guys. Thanks.
The biggest problem people have is keeping there head down while swinging the club, they always want to look up right at themost pivoted spot of the swing instead of waiting for the club to go though the ball
Who says golf is easy as hitting a golf ball? In fact, it's not. And that's my worry right now. You see, I've never played golf all my life. It may sound weird or unusual, knowing that golf should have been like a man's sport. But I don't play the game, and now my boss is asking me to go with him for some leisurely play over the weekend. I don't want to look like a jerk by then.

Well, I scavenged for some basic golf tips over the Net, but I'm not sure if this is all.

A fast help will do this time, guys. Thanks.

Oh my. I've never golfed. My husband has. He sucks at it (so he says). I have a couple friends who are pretty good. And knew one guy who was super athletic and could do just about anything...except golf, lol!

Good luck with it. Hope you have fun and enjoy it. If you can get a beginner lesson or two in somewhere you may enjoy the game more. I would think it's a very frustrating game if you don't at least have some basics down.

There are probably plenty of golfers here on MT who can give you some good tips.

Let us know how it goes. :)

BTW - Welcome to Martial Talk!
Best golf tip I can give is to take up a less frustrating hobby, something along the line of cat herding, or octopus dressing. Just joking, The best tip would be to get out and get a quick lesson from a golf pro at a local course. No matter how many tips you pick up and read, there is no substitution for swinging those clubs. Kind of like MA's, there are NO shortcuts to learning.
You'd be better off getting a couple of lessons from someone then pulling advice off the net. If you can't, well here are my few recs....
Try and find a local driving range....just so you can learn to swing and hit the ball before your game
Keep your head down, but just as important keep your relative height i.e. how much you are bent over and the angle to the ball that you are at as a constant. A lot of people raise up a bit ont he up swing and lower a bit on the down swing resulting in big divots and not hitting the ball solidly.
Replace all divots
Try and make your swing one fluid motion instead of stopping at the top of the swing and then finishing, you'll get more power
And always keep a solid grip on your clubs so one doesn't go flying accidentally as you take your swing
If you've never golfed before, then don't expect anything remotely satisfactory out of your first round. It's going to be ugly. My advice? Try to get a reasonable understanding of golf etiquette before you hit the course. Nobody out there really cares about your ability to play the game, but, if you're going out "on business", you're well advised to not piss others off. This can be done really quite easily.

A few quick tips:

- if you touch the ball with your club, that's a stroke. Doesn't matter if the ball only moved half an inch.
- follow the lead of others in your group who seem to know what they're doing. Pay attention.
- do not speak, belch, move around in the view of, fart, scratch your rear, or otherwise make a nuisance of yourself or be distracting to the person who is preparing to make a shot. Just stand still. Preferably out of their view.
- don't drink too much. It's really easy to make that mistake on a golf course.
- never walk across the putt line of another ball on the green.
- don't drive the golf cart like a jerk.
- replace all divots, always. Have a ball mark repair tool to repair marks on the green.
- don't pick up your ball for any reason (not even to clean it) until it's on the green. That's just not allowed. Have a ball marker to mark the spot if you do need to pick up your ball on the green.
- wear appropriate attire. Collars on shirts, long pants are preferable. Think "what would I wear to a BBQ at my girlfriend's grandma's house?"
- don't complain about your game. Just enjoy it as best as you can. Nobody wants to hear you whine about how terrible you are.
- don't talk business except in response to the cue of others. You cannot be certain what your boss's goals or intentions are with this round of golf. He may just want to strengthen relationships rather than actually move a deal forward.
- try to play through without wasting time. There are people who really hate a time waster, and you don't want that to be you.
- never strike the ball if you believe it could actually hit someone. That's just not very nice.
- keep your cart off the green.
- pay attention to all signage.

There's a good start. Etiquette in golf is all about being respectful of the game of others, as golfing requires a great deal of concentration and focus. Think 'preserving the quality of the course', think 'allowing others to enjoy the game'.

Have fun!
Hello, First of all you should have said " I don't golf". Then in the near future if you want too! Take lessons and learn to golf.

It is a very challenging individual sport. A fun game and like all martial arts...practice and practice is all it takes, more practice hitting balls on the range.

There are many brands that have "clubs" that are forgiven for bad shots. Reearch this.....look for good balls.

You may find this sport helping you in your career...take it may even enjoy it..........Aloha
My only tip is .... Get to the driving range and a pro .... fast. It could be a very lo-o-o-o-ng day otherwise. He He. I play maybe three times a year and to me it is a game which defies all logic with a golf ball that has a mind of its own - with a special affinity for water, bunkers, trees and rough.

Have loads of fun though :)

A few quick tips:
While this was a very good post, the OP did mention that he will be playing golf with his boss. Therefore he is expected to turn a blind eye to any penalties incurred by his boss, including but not limited to use of the foot wedge.
coolmike, lessons would be a good idea, but I'm going to give you the most important tip: No matter what ridiculously low score your boss writes down on his card (ie. he shoots a 9 and writes 4), just nod, smile, and say, "Nice hole!"
While this was a very good post, the OP did mention that he will be playing golf with his boss. Therefore he is expected to turn a blind eye to any penalties incurred by his boss, including but not limited to use of the foot wedge.
coolmike, lessons would be a good idea, but I'm going to give you the most important tip: No matter what ridiculously low score your boss writes down on his card (ie. he shoots a 9 and writes 4), just nod, smile, and say, "Nice hole!"

Now that Kreth is some really good advice! :rofl:
Remember, unless you are in a tournament, your score means nothing. Play each hit for the hit, not the total score.

I play the game for a nice day outdoors with my wife. I cound care less what I shoot. I find my game has gotten better with that philosophy.

Have fun!!!!