Anyone want to buy a black belt?


Black Belt
I just came across this on E-Bay...

Get Your Black Belt (1st Dan) From International Can-Am Karate Academy

Available in either Kenpo or Wado - Ryu

You will receive a high quality diploma as pictured here with your name and date of certification without ever doing any tests or kata's. You will become a permanent member of my school without any dues or monthly charges ever. Take this opportunity to become the Black Belt you always wanted to be.

Right before this post, the current bidding was only $12.00!!!! This is truly sad and unfortunate.
Yeti said:
I just came across this on E-Bay...

Get Your Black Belt (1st Dan) From International Can-Am Karate Academy

Available in either Kenpo or Wado - Ryu

You will receive a high quality diploma as pictured here with your name and date of certification without ever doing any tests or kata's. You will become a permanent member of my school without any dues or monthly charges ever. Take this opportunity to become the Black Belt you always wanted to be.

Right before this post, the current bidding was only $12.00!!!! This is truly sad and unfortunate.
Woo HOO! Im gonna be a BLACK BELT.

Er, uh, yeah.
Yeti said:
I just came across this on E-Bay...

Get Your Black Belt (1st Dan) From International Can-Am Karate Academy

Available in either Kenpo or Wado - Ryu

You will receive a high quality diploma as pictured here with your name and date of certification without ever doing any tests or kata's. You will become a permanent member of my school without any dues or monthly charges ever. Take this opportunity to become the Black Belt you always wanted to be.

Right before this post, the current bidding was only $12.00!!!! This is truly sad and unfortunate.
Can I do this and have two?
I have a nice laser printer with cool certificate graphics......I also have the hook-up for belts I can get dirt cheap, any instead of payin him/her, just send ur $$$ my way and I'll put whateva you want on the homemade certificate :uhyeah:
I saw the same thing..Did you see the one that offers a Doctorite in the martial arts? I think they were asking $ 35.00...
Yeti said:
I just came across this on E-Bay...

Get Your Black Belt (1st Dan) From International Can-Am Karate Academy

Available in either Kenpo or Wado - Ryu

You will receive a high quality diploma as pictured here with your name and date of certification without ever doing any tests or kata's. You will become a permanent member of my school without any dues or monthly charges ever. Take this opportunity to become the Black Belt you always wanted to be.

Right before this post, the current bidding was only $12.00!!!! This is truly sad and unfortunate.
Here is another I found by going to this guys feedback and clicking the links from there. Become a Certified 1st Degree Black Belt in kenpo 2 CD SET STEP BY STEP YELLOW TO 1ST DEGREE BLACK BELTLooks like he bought his black belt!!! So heres to him and his school :2xBird2: