It's adapted based on target. Arguably if you're aiming for the temple, I would prefer uraken with the knuckles over tettsui.
We work this one too. It dovetails well with the prior movements and applications in the preceding parts of Saifa.
This might make a good new topic however. Should we only practice 'efficient' bunkai, those that most people with a reasonable amount of strength and athletic ability can pull off? I have a heavy physical conditioning component in my classes and over time, most of my students are noticeably strong, especially the guys. As a result, from time to time, I choose to practice movements that really are effective only if one has developed the physical strength and the arm conditioning to apply them. The application I cited is one such example. It's devastating since the guard break can be enough by itself to knock the opponent senseless all by itself if he is inexperienced enough to keep his arms too close to his head.