Anyone Play D&D?

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Yeah, the d20 system is totally geared toward power gaming. The way they cleaned everything up and streamlined's like a freakin' video game! Which is what I was trying to avoid in the first place! But it's D&D, so it's okay...but it's like a video game! Play Neverwinter Nights, it's like a direct translation!
Ah, pen and paper is still where it's at though.
Who has time for pen and paper anymore? I like PC versions because I can play anytime late at night or whatever. I find it next to impossible to organise and motivate 6 other super geeks like me to play a game. I can barely get people to play multi player over the internet at the same time.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Who has time for pen and paper anymore? I like PC versions because I can play anytime late at night or whatever. I find it next to impossible to organise and motivate 6 other super geeks like me to play a game. I can barely get people to play multi player over the internet at the same time.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

It's still not the same as a Pen and Paper game. But I understand it being hard to get people there luckily I haven't had that problem I have a good group that I've gamed with for years and lucky me my girlfriend is a gamer so she never complains about me gaming too much.:D
The D20 system is the new thing for D&D, Star Wars and and other games. Basically, to do something like combat or a skill, you apply a ability and a skill modifier to a d20 roll. This repesents your ability, your skill and pure luck. If you roll over the dc, otherwise known as the difficulty class, you succeed.
It streamlines roleplaying very much due to the fact that there is a lot less math involved . Wizards of the Coast, who now owns D&D, has a open licsense(sp) so other company can use the same rules.
Man have I been away from the updates in this game. I still play under the original rules of D&d and AD&D with a few house rules thrown in.
My son is big into Magic: The Gathering so I know of them!

The d20 system doesn't sound much different from AD&D which was also built largely around 20-sided dice (plus other sizes). It sounds like a small change. Is the portability the advantage?
There is a big difference between the older, which I've been playing since 1985, and new systems because it is more streamlined. One type of check for skills as well as combat. The other dice is used for damage and spell effects, but the 20d is what you'll be using most
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

hehehe...... I'm 32...going on 18. :D

I forgot about twilite2k.... also axis n allies, fortress america, shogun, tons of older avalon hill games.....

My Cousin still has Axis and Allies and some (other?) Avalon Hill stuff in his closet...

We played DnD from about 1980-1987 I think. We experimented with Champions, Hero System, Villains and Vigilantes... I had not even tried to play any DnD type stuff for over a decade and last year my friend loaned me Baldur's Gate! Man that was fun for 2-3 weeks... it was DnD. I may get into that a bit later. It was great for me especially after I figured out how to make my own party and tried to recreate some of my old PCs. I didn't want to get sucked into a pen and paper campaign and I could play just 10mins worth on the computer if I felt like it although 8 hours was more like it...

I think my cousin still runs a pen and paper game 1x/wk and is a SERIOUS Evercrack addict... I almost never see him anymore....

So I'm in the old-time gamer mode.

I also worked for Steve Jackson for 2weeks. I complained that I could not make Star Trek work in GURPS and I was hoping he'd show me how to make Spock or even a generic 22year old Vulcan for that matter. We never got to that.

Aside from DnD we played FASA's Star Trek system for several years and it was great the way we did it. I think Decipher got our old notes or something, from what little I've seen, they are selling our campaign. Ha, ha.

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