Anyone Know Where This Is?


Blue Belt
From the TKD Times website:

Go to Grad School for TKD

Midwest University offers first Master of Arts degree in Tae Kwon Do.

One university here in America has stepped up to provide the first martial art degree program in graduate school. This is Midwest University, located just outside of St. Louis, Missouri. Midwest University has established a Masters of Arts (M.A.) degree program, with a concentration on martial arts and Tae Kwon Do. The program has been in development for the past two years and in April 2007 was approved to begin in the Spring semester of 2008.

I can't find a "Midwest University" any where near St. Louis, Mo.
From the TKD Times website:

I can't find a "Midwest University" any where near St. Louis, Mo.

Awsome, so y'all can go to in CT get you B.A. in Martial arts studies (focus on Karate, Gongfu, or TKD) then come down meet us in Mssouri (be warned) and then get your M.A. in TKD, sounds like a plan...

Where did you find this?