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Master Black Belt
Woops, forgot to mention I'm in the UK - In which places can be reported to the advertising standards agency, which does have the ability to make companies remove/adapt advertisements.
Really unsure how it would apply in other countries.
Trading Standards are the ones with the real teeth over here.
The real issue as others have said is proving it ...
I have seen on websites of the corporate trainers that they train US military and other oversees Military personnel, now first of It is highly unlikely unless...............the guys that are teaching or on the or part of the circuit (if you dunno what that is lol it means they have the inside track due to past endeavours) then it is very possible for them to have done what they say as there is a hell of a lot of transatlantic co=operation that goes on that no one ever hears about and a great many things these days are done by "civvy contractors " ie come in done the training or whatever then leave,
That said just beware of what the claims are if they are part of the circuit then even mentioning that you should get a reaction lol and if you can read body lang a bit it not hard to tell if they telling porkies lol............and it is worth noting that the biggest regiment in the entire world or universe is the regiment lol ....not lol (your in the UK so you should I assume know who I am referring to