Anyone else like bald eagles?


Master Black Belt
Below is a link I was told about today to a live cam viewing a bald eagle's nest. The nest is located up in a tall evergreen tree on Hornby Island, British Columbia. The Mom and Dad eagles take turns sitting on the two eggs they have that are due to hatch next week- the first is due the 26th, the second is due the 30th. Really cool to watch them as they switch positions, turn the eggs, etc.
Oh my gosh!! I'm sorry MA-Caver!! I did do a quick search but didn't see anything on it........guess I should have searched more in depth!!'s a refresher to keep it in people's minds then, eh?!! (Trying to cover my butt there!!) :D
Love them. We have a nest about 15 miles from ny house. Once in a while I get to see one flying overhead, And I must say thatit inspireing to see them
Shodan said:
Oh my gosh!! I'm sorry MA-Caver!! I did do a quick search but didn't see anything on it........guess I should have searched more in depth!!'s a refresher to keep it in people's minds then, eh?!! (Trying to cover my butt there!!) :D
No apologies needed... it isn't the first time a member did it... won't be the last... :D

Neat thing I like to do is right click and go to fullscreen... makes a neat screen saver.. heh
Thanks for the tip!! I like having the large screen on and the sound up......then I can hear if a switch happens while I am in the other room and come in to see. Boy are we (our 4 year old son and I) loving this!! Someone else told me about this one today (I hope this one isn't on here already too!!)......A pair of peregrine falcons have made a nest in a planter on the 30th floor of the PG&E building in San Francisco again this year (2nd in a row). They are sitting on 4 eggs.

Check it out!
Those sites are great. My four ruffians loved them and I had to bookmark the sites for frequent revisits. Thanks for posting them.
Shodan said:
A pair of peregrine falcons have made a nest in a planter on the 30th floor of the PG&E building in San Francisco again this year (2nd in a row). They are sitting on 4 eggs.

Check it out!

Aww...look at the baby birdie! :D Peregrine falcons are cool. We've had nesting pairs in Center City (Philadelphia) a few years ago. I *think* there was also a falcon cam at one of the nests.
There is a hole in one of the eggs now and some report they can hear faint peeping from the babies.......getting closer to hatch day.......I guess the averages for that nest aren't that great that the babies will live though. But we can hope!!
Just heard on the news that they believe one of the eggs is showing signs of hatching!

I am on the site now and unfortunately the eggs are covered by one of the parent eagles.
oh i love those
but i always wonder why they're always frowning.. they look pretty angry.

i love falcons too, in fact im going on a falconry trip this summer... got to be lotsa fun
In 2003 I was taking a helicopter up to Ft Drum, NY from Kentucky and as we flew along the Lake Erie Coast, I had the distinct opportunity to fly along side a Bald eagle (about 25m off the left side). It was an awesome experience. It was like it was saying "Great day to fly, ain't it?"

Would have been a terrible birdstrike, though...
Personally, I like them when they Still had hair. Of course the ones who fake it with Toupee's are pretty obvious...

So no... I dont like Bald Eagles.